Valtos the Void and Neutrality
News Govt - From the Desk of Governor Winfield
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 07 December 2005


Hail my friends,

PaxLair is strong as usual, and getting stronger as part of a wide and diverse community. We've had many successes lately with PaxLair Alliance guild leader interactions, PaxOku and PaxLair City developments, and even huge attendance at PaxLane events.

However, today I think upon a darker side - a side which many times goes unnoticed.

We know that Valtos the Void left PaxOku in a frenzie recently and established himself in the Malas Orc Fort, where we have an Auditorium. His "Depths of Evil" cemetary-looking building only leaves me with a feeling he is digging deep into the Evil nature of our Realm to bring death and destruction to either our PaxLair or the Realm in general.

Valtos claimed the Realm is unbalanced and the Gatekeeper was not doing his job of keeping the balance of good versus evil. There is too much good, Valtos said.

I, being neutral in nature, welcome more evil into our Realm; challenges must exist for us to grow. I suspect we may notice an increase in Evil around PaxLair along with an increase in Good to combat that Evil. Do not equate this to combat situations in all cases. Evil is not just about combat. Evil tries to twist the minds of others, deceive people, and bend their will to a singly focused purpose, whatever their purpose.

I saw Valtos at Luna Bank recently and I do think he is a threat to the good people of the Realm. So be wary, good people. Move with caution. Watch the shadows closely.


Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair