Olag Hai Orc Fort
PaxLair Outposts

Olag Hai Orc Fort

(an outpost of PaxLair)

Leader: Ga'kuct
Website: none
Location:  East of PaxLair City, Felucca
Established: 1998-1999
Guilds: Kaar Barashalu (Orc)

Originally created by the 'gods' for the Olag Hai Orc Clan led by Gorbag.  The fort originally had upper platforms for orc archers to defend the fort.  However, these platforms physically fell apart when the gods made their structures have "height".  The gods then reconstructed the fort to what is seen today.  The Olag Hai Orc Clan was famous for its raids on PaxLair citizens (within reason of course) and the discovery of orcish ruins in PaxLair allowing the orcs to lay claim to the PaxLair meadow.

Ruglug, one of the members of the Olag Hai, also became a Chancellor of PaxLair, being the first orc chancellor and receiving Britannian News Network (BNN) attention.

The Orc Fort was extensively used later by the Kaar Barashalu (Orc) Orc Clan led by Ga'kuct.  There were many quests and events, such as the Orc Christmas of 2004.

February 2006

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