September 12th, 2005 Meeting Minutes
News - 2005 News
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Monday, 12 September 2005

Meeting in PaxLair

Location: PaxLair Town Hall, Felucca
Host: Mayor Winfield
Duration: 30 minutes
In Attendance:  (23) Lord Monk [PxK], Xug'Guk [ORCS], Aries, Silent Star [*NI*], kitaro, Gareth [Pax], Socrates, Pameleigha [CAT], Kristen [DL], Winmere [C=D], Morgan Le Fay, Geos Cook [MPAA], Marissa [S()S], Justinian [S()S], Traker [KDB], Fleuri [^E^], Visago [^E^], Elijah Cross [PV], Miss Kayi [P|B], Nostradamus [DwB], Kovalov [KotR], Lucy [{X}], Winfield [Pax]

Next PaxLair Meeting: September 19, 2005, 9:00 PM ET, City Hall, PaxOku, Tokuno
Minutes Reported By: Winfield

Topics Covered:

Events Updates

Mayor Winfield announced that events are now regularly listed on the PaxLair skypage in order of when they will occur. He advised everyone to visit they skypage regularly to keep up on events.


Traker: "My guild Knight Defender of Britannian is PvM and I like doing player or game run events. The game is for everone. But I can't stand scammers. My feeling is the more we work and help each other the better. I have no experience in pvp but will help and come in defence went needed. Oh I am a one person guild. Thank you."

Geos Cook: "Hail everyone! I am Geo! Many of you may know me.... but! I have started the guild, MPAA! I have started the guild Mongbat Protection Act Agency. I am intending on Allying with PaxLair and its many friendly people. We are a guild of many thoughts... Currently.. 2 members storng.. We want more members of course and are openly recruiting. We are going to host numerous player-ran events in the near future! We have a nice large tavern in Malas with an auction house on the roof. We shall start auctions on either Tuesday or Wensday. It is not known yet. We currently need assistance in auctions though. If anyone is interested, it is required you join MPAA or are part of the alliance. We need around 3-4 good people. I am waiting on Winfields word on when we join the Alliance. Player - Ran events by MPAA should start around... 3 weeks. We need people to advertise, ie gate and leave runes, an Auctioneer and someone to deal with the taking of items. You get a cut of the profit! We take 10% of each sale as payment for services. That 10% is divided up among the nights workers. Thank you."

Socrates: "Hi, I am Socrates and a raging alcoholic. Though I hide it well. *catches bottle and saves for later*"

Xug'Guk: "greebas umanz. hrmmm kan anee ob uu blah urk? ukie dabu. ukie ee lib ere een hut een pax furt. nn ee hab urk cubz in trayneen. umanz kum tew furt. ee blah tew dem. dem say dey "rez" umanz. sooo ee klomp dem. wib uu? dem smelz juz like dum! *pints to floweres* ee hab seen a reyd ise. ee nub der numur. kan uu get dem uman panzies awya frum da furt? ukie dabu"

Nostradamus: "First off Yo! Second, I was told the other day that DwB was asked if they wanted to join the Pax Alliance. I think that would be awesome. But as of right now, we will need to decline. DwB is going through some changes and we want to get things in order. Also, it would be best for everyone if DwB got to know the guilds of the Pax Alliance better before making the commitment. So to benefit everyone, for now, DwB will decline the Alliance. Thank you."

Report from PaxOku

Viceroy Gareth reported on an earlier dungeon hunt in Malas today. It was successful, a few deaths, and some treasure. The adventures will continue to happen every Monday at 5:45 PM ET. Also, the BLT has a connecting river to the city hall in PaxOku. And the BLT is haunted by the Phantom of Oku. It is a nice ghost as long as Gareth follows its demands. Some people suggested to exorcize it, but Gareth said he did not really know what the ghost is. Finally, PaxOku continues to have a housing owner problem. People wanting to move into the city and take one of the houses needing an owner, see Gareth. The PaxOku public library will also open in a few weeks.

Interest in Fight Night Events

Mayor Winfield asked the audience if many were interested in participating in fight nights again. There was not an overwhelming response, but Winfield still considers options to restart Fight Nights.

Meeting Adjourned.

Mayor Winfield asked the audience if many were interested in participating in fight nights again. There was not an overwhelming response, but Winfield still considers options to restart Fight Nights.