May Monthly
Written by John Duke   
Friday, 27 May 2005

Te'kug and Zack Morris

It was the night before the weekend, and all through the coliseum,
everyone was stirring, as everyone was anxious to see them..

“Blood we want”, the chants rang out clear
As the 9:00 O’clock hour drew near.

The fans were settled in their chairs,
With visions of destruction looming in the air.
The referee was ready also,
As he prepared to say “Go!”

This was no ordinary day, this was Friday Night,
And everyone there knew, it was time to Fight.
All of the competitors were lined up with care,
Knowing that their time to fight, would soon be there.

The competition tonight was diverse,
Many different skills were transversed.
As templates from many a generation,
Were brought together to cause a sensation.

There was Cross Macleod of [PV], who studied the divine,
And the Orcs: Ga’kuct and Te’kug, whose WarGod was ready to dine.
But add to the fray: Zack Morris, a feared macer.
And Graf Freiwind a respected fencer.

Want the rest? Click Read More below!

But only one of these men could come out the victor,
As each eyed the other, looking to be their vanquisher.
The competition fought fearce, and began to whittle down,
Until we finally reached the final round.

Te’kug the Orc and Zack Morris of [BiC] were the finalists,
Using their brawn and their superior wits.
But Te’kug had defeated Zack before,
And to win Te’kug only needed to win once more.

Te’kug and Zack clashed with such a clatter
That no one dared utter a laughter.
But Zack had clashed harder, and it was Te’kug
That ended up with dirt on his mug

But Tek was not through yet,
As the score had been set.
This competition took two defeats to be eliminated
And this was the first time Te’kug had been devastated.

Again Zack and Te’kug ran together in a clash,
But again Te’kug was brought down in a flash.
As Zack raised his hands in victory,
And claimed his first Monthly.

You can find out more about the Chesapeake Fight Club by going Here, and you can find out how to get to the Weekly Fight Nights by going Here.