(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
A Role-playing Community of Several Cities with a Working Virtual Government! (Learn More...)
Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


Port Baldmor

PaxLair City

Dragons Watch


UO Stratics
Shard News


Dragons Watch

Established ??
Became part of PaxLair Community on August 19, 2004
Revival under way as of June 17, 2006

The Citizens of Historic Dragons Watch [DWxC]

We even now have established a citizen's "guild" called The Citizens of Historic Dragons Watch[DWxC] for any and all that would like to participate in the new founding of Dragons Watch....roleplaying for citizens is NOT a requirement, but will be always truely refreshing. Just be who you are...and have some fun.

Lost Dragon Tavern

Location:  139-14N 130-0E (Felucca)

Viceroy Benris and Dragons Watch (DW) citizens are currently in the midst of building a great tavern for the city and the entire realm to enjoy...hosted by John McBain himself... the Lost Dragon Tavern will be host to plenty of future events and a place to just kick up your feet, tell a tale and have an ale (or 3).

Government Office/Community Centre Complex

Location:  135-11N 121-59E (Felucca)

Dragons Watch is in the midst of constructing a new Government Office/Community Centre Complex to centralize organization and to enhance our opportunities to host events/meetings/gatherings, even a wedding or two...the possibility is endless!


Dragons Watch Outpost

This page is still under development.

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