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Quest to Make the Ancient Wine of the Underworld Print
News - 2005 News
Written by A Reporter_Pax   
Wednesday, 10 August 2005

The Gatekeeper sent this in to the PaxLair News:

YEW TRAMMEL - August 10, 2005

The Gatekeeper shows up in Skara Brae with a Quest

I, The Gatekeeper (a player questmaster), went to the Chesapeake Community Night in Skara Brae meeting Wednesday on August the 10th in the year 2005 (whatever date that means) and met with some people. I told them I needed to have some wine made from an ancient recipe from the Underworld. Jerdith, a winemaker in Yew, had the recipe but not all the ingredients!

The people went quickly to the Winery in Yew where they found Jerdith. He told everyone he needed some magically enhanced grapes, some lemons, fresh daemons blood, and fresh dragon scales. Jerdith told them to find a magical farmer named Merlin at a farm in Yew. Merlin was to get the ingredients for Jerdith a while ago, but had not delivered. Jerdith got pretty concerned that I would be angry with him for being unable to make the wine.

The people left the winery in Yew and after some wandering around, they finally found Merlin. He was tilling his soil and gathering carrots. They talked to him and he said he only needed the fresh deamons blood and dragon scales. They had to be fresh or else he could not accept them. He asked for a leader to gather the items, and Winmere was volunteered by the people.

Winmere led the people to Ilshenar where two groups split off in Ilshenar and got the two ingredients. Then they returned to Merlin to inspect the items. Merlin declared the items were fresh and gave the rest of the ingredients to Winmere to take to Jerdith. Merlin didn't want to go see Jerdith because Merlin was hiding from him for not getting the items to him sooner. Merlin figured Jerdith would be upset. So Merlin sent the people to the Winery and he stayed at his farm, gathering more carrots and straw.

Read More for the rest...

Winmere gives the ingredients to Merlin, the magical farmer

The people showed up at the Winery, gave the ingredients to Jerdith, and Jedith started making the wine. I watched the winemaking from the shadows and saw that Jedith did it right. He jumped around and squashed the ingredients in barrels. Then, he showed me the finished wine ... I checked it over and said it was good.

For everyone's efforts, Jerdith gave each person a bottle of my ancient wine from the Underworld along with one of my goblets. The people even came back for seconds of wine. I guess Jerdith did good. Jerdith went on to complain about Merlin and his lack of competence in getting the ingredients himself. Jerdith talked about firing Merlin and hiring someone else.

I thanked Jerdith and all the people for getting the wine made and that they should keep their goblets handy, because they may be needed in another quest. Thanks to all who helped me out tonight. I hope everyone had a bit of fun and maybe I'll just show up with another small task at another Community Night on Chesapeake.

The Goblet from The Underworld

The people successfully completing this quest were: Lady Hinotori [Fox], Winmere [C=D], SiliconScholar [!C! ], Daphnie [FCB], Dragon Knight, Aries [KotR], DutchessVanHorn [KotR], Trinity [KotR], Zion.

People line up for their wine and goblets

Oh, Jerdith is concealing his moonshining operation of liquor in the backroom of the Yew Winery. Don't tell the Monks. The liquor is more profitable than the Yew wine.

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