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Zaira the Pixie at Myrina's Office, and Bullfrogs Appear! Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 14 July 2005


Zaira appears to Winmere & Winfield

Zaira, the pixie that cares for Myrina's Office in East Britain appeared today and spoke to Winmere and Winfield.  After a short discussion, Zaira departed but her faint sound could still be heard in the corners of the room.  Winfield sent a call out to the PaxLair Alliance and by the time some arrived, bullfrogs were appearing in and around the office.  One giant toad also appeared.  Others came to witness the situation.  The frogs either became aggressive or members of the party attacked them, for soon there were many frog corpses upon the ground.

Before the others arrived, Zaire spoke to Winmere and Winfield.  "I'm Zaire, Friend of Myrina Heron and keeper of this office," the pixie said in a tounge that humans can understand.  "I am dusting and looking for some information--just a name in one of these books.  I forgot it."

Zaire also said she was rescued by Myrina Heron and the Royal Guard from a terrible spiders web.  It is recalled that this happened some time ago, and there may be information in other publications about that rescue operation.

Bullfrogs appear at Myrina Heron's Office

After this brief conversation, Zaira said, "I must go, but perhaps I shall be back later."  With that, she disappeared.

A few moments later, bullfrogs started to hop into the office and finally a giant toad.  Tidus of C*B tamed a bullfrog, but it was not compelled to speak.  Disco Inferno of [S-S], Lestat, Lucy of AKB, Aries of KotR, Winmere of C=D, and Winfield of Pax continued to ponder what had happened, wondering if this was an omen.  There was speculation a plague could come.  Others said that frogs were favored in this office so this was not unusual.  Still, it seemed important to read the books in the office once more and perhaps look for a name that Zaira was looking for.

The gems on Myrina's square table remained green, but who knows when they may change color.

Footnote:  Myrina Heron named her Pixie friend as Zaira and thanked "Wicked Wench" for the suggestion. In the News book on Myrina's table it says "I thank Zaira for pledging her services I have contracted the local the local tinkers to upgrade the pixie statue to an oracle which will be able to give you recent news.  You can speak to it with keywords.  Hint: News or Keywords."  (The pixie statue is in Myrina's inner office._

UPDATE as of 7:30 PM ET - GEMS ARE RED in Myrina's Office in East Britain, Trammel.  This means something will happen in the next 4 hours or sooner.

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