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Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


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Shard News

Britain Invasion: Success #6 -- Strategies Too! Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Friday, 22 April 2005

A General Under Attack

BRITAIN, TRAMMEL, CHESAPEAKE - Tonight, Friday, April 22, 2005, many people showed their courage and valor once again against the Despise Army.  This was the best strategy, tactics, and progression I have seen so far.  We were well organized, patient, and moved forward with purpose!  Tonight makes success number 6 !! (at least)

We assembled as in previous nights at 9 PM ET at the Chamber of Virtue in East Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake.  This time, we did not send an advance defensive party because the enemy had only progressed to the cemetary, not the blacksmith shop as in the previous night.

Between 9 and 9:15 PM, we assembled Parties by having leaders stand on a Virtue Altar and announce they were accepting party members.  This helped party everyone for the assault to come.  Crimzinn also gave out Petals of Trinsic to all who wanted them; we lined up cooperatively on the west wall of the Chamber of Virtue to receive the petals.  Thanks Crimzinn!

Lord Tancred (not Tancred Redstar) offered a book of tactics, which I will review and publish very soon.

Nearing 9:15 PM, we discussed last minute strategy.  Since we only had about 25 people at the start, I announced we would focus on one Generals' location (spawn point) at a time until the Ogre Lord General appeared and the enemy diminished.  In practice, I saw the fighters move forward to the next Generals' location towards the mountains leaving a team to clean up the remaining few Generals at the previous spot. This allowed for maximum energy, timing, and effect without getting too far ahead (which would deplete our resources and delay our advances).

We started just south of the Cemetary at 9:15 PM ET; the enemy had not entered the actual City of Britain.

While all the Britain/Sosarian Army advanced, I recruited a few people at the Skara and Luna Banks.  Thanks to those who came! You were extremely important to the shard's success!

Now for strategy decisions that need to be made...


The main strategy now is whether we wait for a FULL attack on Britain City, or continue to repulse every night BEFORE the invasion reaches inside Britain City.  The reason this question arises is we do not know if our "partial" successes are counted for the upcoming Statue as Successes.  Therefore, without any further information and to be safe, I suggest we allow (much to our peril) the enemy to completely advance into Britain City.

It seems after each night, our success causes the Britain Invasion to NOT start again the next day until around 4 PM ET with a progressive invasion from Despise Mountains.  It must take the enemy an hour or so to move from one Generals' Point to the next, heading towards Britain.

Also, I understand that the invasion will not start until someone kills the Ethereal Scout somewhere in Britain, reportedly near the Healer Shop in N Britain.  I have never seen this scout personally.  This is different from the normal Despise Scouts, as reported to me, but is ethereal in image and nature.  But the name of the scout is just a Despise Scout like all the rest.  Further information on this can be put in the sticky strategy thread on the Stratics Chesapeake Board please.

So, we have a choice, my friends, in order to combat a full scale enemy assault that is all the way to Britain City.  We would like to do this daily to ensure a full "success".

1) Someone kill the Ethereal Scout as early as possible, like in the morning, wherever it is.  This should start the enemy advance earlier than we perhaps have seen it.

2) We assemble at 9PM ET each night as always, and if the enemy has not advanced, we do not defend Britain, but call it a day and wait for the next night (skipping a night).

3) We do choice 2 above, but just wait (how long? 30 mins, an hour, more?) for the invasion to actually get into Britain City.

I suggest trying Choice #1 first.  Let us assemble Saturday night once again, but someone try Saturday morning to get the Enemy to start coming down from Despise.  Find the Etheral Scout and kill it.  I heard that it should appear about 3 hours after our last success, which could be about 2 or 3 AM ET.  That is unconfirmed.

Well, these are the latest ideas I have. I wanted to get this information to you quickly so we could discuss strategy as we move into the weekend.  Offer your ideas on the Stratics Chesapeake Board in the sticky strategy thread please.


Winfield, old man and Mayor of PaxLair

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