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Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


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UO Stratics
Shard News

Britain Retakes Planned for the 19th and 20th Print
Written by John Duke   
Monday, 18 April 2005
Winfield posted this over on the Chesapeake Stratics Board:

Assault is planned as follows:

Tuesday (Apr 19) and Wednesday (Apr 20)

Assembly Point / HQs: Chamber of Virtue, Britain, Trammel

9PM ET assembly, strategy, and set up groups.

-- Need to get people together to group up, pick their starting points, and establish communications between groups.
-- Need to be able to get ALL people into parties, even those showing up solo if possible.
-- Don't show up right at 9:30 PM, or you may be running solo and not know the last minute strategies.

9:30 PM ET launch simultaneous attack

-- We need to launch together; single excursions tend to not kill the generals fast enough.

Read more for the rest of the information.

Need starting attack points
- Group A - Central gate near the Inn to head north
- Group B - West gate near the Castle gate to head north
- Group C - NE bridge near Mage Shoppe/tower to head south and west

First objective is to clear out strongpoints at:
- The patio near Fletcher's shoppe
- The Theatre in central North Britain
- and of course clear out all in Britain proper

Second objective is to keep moving NW to the Blacksmith and continue NW through Cemetary and past it.

Third objective is to drive them to the mountains.

Fourth objective is to assemble upon victory at the Theatre in Central North Britain.

Some tips:

Keep some people in the rear to clear out left over monsters and watch for any generals we missed

Focus greatly on the Generals, then kill off the remaining spawn.

Don't lead monsters too far out of their spawn area (like to east britain), or you will waste time/resources when they recall back to their spawn area.

Will need someone in the Lead (Tancred did this during one of the main assaults) to not get too far ahead of the main force, and to report back to the people in the rear what is happening and vice versa.

Will need pet rezzers as well as mages for rezzing.

Work as a group/party to push quickly to the generals and keep people alive.

Any other solo people entering the area, invite them to join your parties and let them know what is going on.

Scouts need to be careful of running through the area, as it can pull a huge number of monsters behind you and then back into the groups doing the fighting (unless that is the intent). Do invis, perhaps, to try to break lock with the monsters once in awhile to keep the monsters spread out a bit.

Know if you have anyone in your party who can not be assisted (because they are in warred guild, etc.) where you "can't do beneficial acts". Mages doing healing should test this on everyone in their party ahead of time if possible.

Any other tips?

Dragonspeed to everyone! Let's do it!!

Winfield, Old Man

You can find the full thread Here. Let's give em hell PaxLair!


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