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Gyldenfeld and Orc to Peace? Print
Written by John Duke   
Tuesday, 12 April 2005

Ga'kuct is angered by the peace proposal

While humbly doing my slave work for the Orcs at the Snaga Hut, Klug da Stu Makr (the personal Cook to the Orcs) grabbed me and told me Ga'kuct demanded my presence. I, of course abidded, you don't disobey an Orcish order!

While Klug had been traveling the woods around Gyldenfeld, he came across a member of the RedStar family who presented Klug with a message. Klug was, unfortunately, unable to read the message since he was never taught how to read, and he took it immediately to the Warbozz, Ga'kuct. Ga'kuct, either not wanting to read it or also not able to read had called upon me, their own human slave, to read and explain what the message had said.

 The message was from the Mayor of Gyldenfeld himself, Tancred RedStar! In the missive, Tancred looked to set up a meeting with the Orcs, who had recently established a fort on Gyldenfeld's southern border, in hopes of coming to a peace and understanding with their new neighbors, and become friends.

 Once Ga'kuct had heard what the message was for, he exploded in anger, and I was barely able to take the painting you see here before they killed me. The thought of peace with humans sent Ga'kuct into a rage I had yet to see, but he soon regained himself and ressurrected me. He told me that the only way they would meet with Tancred RedStar is if the following conditions were met:

*All Elves, Vampires, and Kobolds within and surrounding the town of Gyldenfeld will be killed on sight and their possessions destroyed.

*The town must fund the importing of Female Orcs at four females per every male Orc.

*The town will pay a weekly fee of 500,000 shinies if they wish any peace to stand.

*At any point in time, the Orcs may take control of any building in town and call it their owns, it will be expected of the owners to hand over any buildings claimed by the Orcs without incident. Any resistance to do so, will result in war.

*The only law is Orcish law, and the chain of command is Wargod first, Orcs second, anyone within Gyldenfeld town limits will obey and understand these laws.

Until all of the above demands are met, no meeting will occurr. I have yet to hear a response from the town, but be sure to check here for the latest news.



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