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PaxLair Statehood Law Hearing #2 Raw Transcript Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 01 August 2007


The following transcript was heard on Wednesday, August 1, 2007.  It is entered into record by the Governor's Office.

Winfield: Welcome once again to our Hearing of Law. We held a hearing a week ago and my purpose here as Governor is to hear testimony about the PaxOku Decree in question, and PaxLair Laws. I am asked to rule on whether the PaxOku Decree is lawful under Statehood law. I will first ask Mayor Gareth to make his opening statement tonight, Then Mayor Nanoc. We will focus on issues of law, not crimes. This is not a trial. After the opening statements, Mayor Gareth will testify with more information in question and answer to Nanoc. Then Nanoc will testify similarly. Each may call witnesses or references in their Questioning period. The opening statements should be short and point to the question of law.

Winfield: I call now Mayor Gareth to the Pentagram.
Gareth: *Cracks neck*
Gareth: The banning of Paladins from PaxOku was to protect the city and citizens. Although I may see the point of it not being done in the right way. The Paladins should have been made criminals of PaxOku before removed. But, our law was to protect the city just as Champs and AT were all banned from PaxLair to protect it citizens. So I believe we are following the laws. We were warned by Miss Kayi and acted swiftly to protect. Thank you.
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Gareth.

Winfield: I call to the Pentagram Mayor Nanoc.
NANOC: Well, I dont think the paladins of the relm are in the same class as AT or Champs
Winmere: *nods*
NANOC: we do not go into towns and looot and kill but be that as it may
Gareth: *cough*
NANOC: Gareth you stated that this decree was based on the corruption of your water supply and the find of a Luna Lance at the site, Is that correct?
Winfield: This is not the Questioning part, Nanoc.
Winfield: Just opening statements.
Gareth: *Smiles*
Winfield: You can make the statements to me of what you intend to illustrate tonight.
NANOC: I intend to provide expert witnesses to dispute that paladins had not entered the city and therefor are not the criminals. Thank You.
Xavier Reed: *hmm*
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Nanoc.
Winmere: *looks hopeful*

Winfield: Since last time Nanoc started with questions, we will have Gareth start tonight with making points and questions about his decree. Mayor Gareth, you are next for questions and answers you pose to Nanoc or others.
Phoenix: Perhaps we should hear from the witnesses so he can question them
Phoenix: *laughs*

Gareth: Nanoc, Hello
NANOC: yes Your Mayoralness
Winmere: *thinks Gareth looks a bit haggard*
Gareth: Mayoralness, funny why did you make it so hard for me to protect the people?
NANOC: No that was not the case. my case was that the decree was read by Shareff CaT in absence of your presence that baned paladins, the protectors of this relm.
Gareth: And you believe Paladins are the only ones that can protect the world? All other cannot handel it themselves?
The Shadow: *listens*
NANOC: by virtue we protect
Gareth: No other follow virtues? Just Paladins? Seems small minded.
NANOC: others follow we live it
Gareth: If you made a law within Dragons Watch to protect you citizens would you not expect other to follow it? Nanoc?
NANOC: I would not make a law banning with out proof of a crime, you had Seer with a dream
Gareth: That was not the question. Would you expect others to follow the law? Please stick to the question.
NANOC: Yes if the law didnt not violate the Statehood laws
Winmere: *grins*
Gareth: Why did you not protest the law to Winfield first before sending a task force of Paladins to PaxOku city clearly violating the law.
The Shadow: *nods*
NANOC: I went to PakOku to talk to the Mayor about a new law that was issued by the shariff
Gareth: Aye at first you did.
Gareth: But, then you came back with a task force did you not?
The Shadow: *nods*
NANOC: I was also worried about your state of mind after having the book of Wrong, yes i did  bring some people with me
Gareth: Now if I may say. Did you know Paladins would have only been banished for five days from the city, thats all it would have taken to secure the water supply and with you leading Paladins into the city day in and day out it still is not secure from Paladins or anyone.
NANOC: That was not in the decree and you would not speek to me Gareth and i had some of the citizens of PaxOku inlist the help of experts that very day.
Gareth: Putting PaxOku at risk.
Gareth: One last question for you Nanoc.
NANOC: Yes Gareth
Gareth: How much respect do you hold for laws against everyone else besides Paladins?
NANOC: I am a paladin Gareth, i live by the virtues
Gareth: So none.
Gareth: Thanks!
Gareth: Thats all.
Gareth: May I call upon someone Winfield?
Winfield: I do not understand Nanoc's answer. Nanoc, can you explain that better?
Gareth: Every answer he gave was im a Paladins I am the law. Do we need to hear it agian?
NANOC: I live by the virtues and uphold fair laws for everyone
The Shadow: fair?  Who decides fair? paladins?
Winfield: And you uphold laws against non-Paladins too?
NANOC: Yes, I will
Gareth: And laws against Paladins?
NANOC: the virtues decree it
Winfield: *listens to answer for Gareth's last question*
NANOC: if they break Statehood law, Yes
Winfield: *nods*
Gareth: May I call upon someone?
Winfield: Gareth, you have someone to testify? Yes
Gareth: I call The Shadow.
The Shadow: Me?
Winfield: *nods*
Gareth: Correct.
The Shadow: This is unexpected.
Gareth: Then your answers will be true.
The Shadow: I always tell the truth.
Winmere: Hmm...
Gareth: Shadow did you find Mayor Nanoc that night in PaxOku?
The Shadow: Yes, I did.
Gareth: Did he have a task force with him?
The Shadow: At the time, no.  But he sent Phoenix to retrieve one.
Gareth: Did you see that as a hostile move on the city?
The Shadow: So I watched them gather around the building.
The Shadow: I saw it as a deliverate snub to your decree.
Gareth: Do Paladins follow all laws and decrees of the land?
The Shadow: It did feel hostile in the area.
Gareth: In your time of dealing with them.
The Shadow: In my experience, they have always believed themselves above the law.
Winmere: How can he answer that?
The Shadow: I have dealt with many paladins over the years. I'm a legend. *shrugs*
Winmere: That is an opinion, not fact.
Gareth: *smiles*
Marshall Hood: *smiles*
Xavier Reed: Hrm
Darth Oni: uhm...
Marshall Hood: *indicates to Rayne he is a legend with the ladies*
Katherine: .
The Shadow: Nanoc went as far as to admit it.
Gareth: Shadow if a threat was made on you, family, friends would you do everything in your power to protect them all?
Winmere: *dumb and irrelevant question*
The Shadow: Sorry, was confused by "family, friends." Just kidding. *chuckles*
Marshall Hood: *chuckle*
Gareth: heh.
The Shadow: I would do everything in my power to protect them and remove the threat.
Gareth: So you could do this without the Godly law of the land Paladins correct?
Winmere: *misleading question*
Phoenix: Leading the witness
The Shadow: No one leads me. I am the Shadow. I would do it with or without them.
Gareth: Few last things.
Gareth: Why do you suppose Nanoc did not bring up anything about law breaking? WHy did he bring a task force that started an attack on the city. THen once failed cried statehood law breaking?
The Shadow: Pride.
Phoenix: He can not answer for NANOC. He is no expert.
Gareth: Pride? Is that not an anti virtue?
The Shadow: I am an expert on the virtues. And the anti-virtues.
Phoenix: How would he know what NANOC thoughts were?
The Shadow: And yes, Pride is an anti-virtue.
Winmere: That is a question best left for Mayor NANOC to answer.
The Shadow: Because he's a paladin.
Gareth: So an anti-virtue Paladin wanted things his way. It all makes sense now.
Gareth: Thank you Shadow.
The Shadow: *nods politely*
Gareth: That is all.
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Gareth.
Winmere: *lots of thoughts, feelings and opinions in that testimony*
Xavier Reed: *nods*

Winfield: I call Mayor Nanoc now for the questioning and testimony to the Pentagram.
NANOC: I intend to prove beyond a shadow
The Shadow: Yes?
Marshall Hood: *laughs*
Winfield: *smiles*
Gareth: *laughs*
Winmere: *chuckles*
Malia: hehe
Darth Oni: *grins*
Katherine: *groans*
The Shadow: Ah, I kill me.
NANOC: of doubt that there was no threat to the city or citizens of PaxOku or other races by paladins or others.
Gareth: ooo.

You see:  Walt the Chemist

NANOC: i call Walt the Chemist to testify
Winfield: *nods*
Walt the Chemist: Good evening Governor
Winfield: Good evening.
Walt the Chemist: I am very pleased to present the facts on the water
Winfield: *listens*
Walt the Chemist: I would like to pass out a quality report that was prepared on samples obtained on July 10. If I may give you a copy.
Winfield: Bring it forward please.
Walt the Chemist: Seems Mayor Gareth does not wish one. I have copies available for all the citizens here.
The Shadow: Sure.
Walt the Chemist: so they to may see the water quality on the night in question.
Winmere: I will take one
The Shadow: How convenient.
Katherine: I as well
Gareth: *Comes out of med*
Marshall Hood: *Hopes he used the correct privy that eve.*
Walt the Chemist: The findings in that book I testify to be correct.
Winfield: I have a question.
Katherine: Thank you
Winmere: *smiles in thanks*
Winfield: I do not see a test for blackrock.
Winfield: Do you have a test for that?
Malia: thank you
The Shadow: And if Nanoc didn't know about the water problem until last hearing..
Xavier Reed: thank you
Miri: *smiles*
Marshall Hood: Ahem... the detector you speak of is know by the Council..
Walt the Chemist: They are still in the process of building such a test
Winfield: Thank you.
The Shadow: How did he know to ask about this report back then?
Marshall Hood: They have not completedd its construction.
Walt the Chemist: Progress is slow as one can see with the building in Moonglow. Lack of funds I believe
Marshall Hood: *nods in agreement*
Darth Oni: ty
Winfield: Shadow has a good question Nanoc.
Winfield: Why tested in PaxOku on July 10th?
NANOC: That is when Shareff CaT made the statement
Gareth: Hmmm Breaking and entering into the water supply. The building was locked at that time.
Winfield: Very good, thank you.
Gareth: Does he have a diploma?
NANOC: there is an abundent supply of water
The Shadow: You seemed shocked at the last meeting when it was brought up though, Nanoc.
NANOC: in the town easaly accesable
Walt the Chemist: As the report shows there was a higher concentrate of Nitrogen
Gareth: WInfield if I may did I say at anytime PaxOku was low on water or it was attacked. DId I not say a threat over the water supply?
Walt the Chemist: but this can be attributed to gaman dung and other sewage waste as that from Orcs
Gareth: No orce live or walk near paxoku city. Nor do they visit
NANOC: you said nothing Gareth, i came to talk to you that nite
Winmere: *looks in amazement at Mayor Gareth*
NANOC: same nite
Gareth: Well this check on the water supply was to show something was wrong with it. Which we never said something was.
Gareth: So what is the point of this report?
NANOC: bah
Winmere: The orcs visit me all the time.
Winmere: *shrugs*
Winfield: Anything else about the water test report Walt?
NANOC: Gov'n may we continiue
Walt the Chemist: Not at this time but my service is to the Sosaria realm. my report is all in the book.
Winfield: Thank you for your services Walt. Can you test the spring of courage sometime? Out front of this tower?

Winfield: *looks back to Nanoc* Please continue Nanoc.
NANOC: Now more importantly
You see:  Anne Vil
NANOC: it was stated at the last hearing that a Luna lance was found by the well. I intend to prove that the lance mentionedwas not a paladin lance.
Gareth: *laughs* *Still laughing*
NANOC: i call Anne Vil to testify.
The Shadow: He asked them all and they said it wasn't theirs.
Gareth: HAHAHA!
Anne Vil: Good evenig
Winfield: Good evening and welcome.
Gareth: *Wonders where Phoenix is*
Anne Vil: First let me give my credentials to this hearing. I am a Material Science Expert having expertise in many aspects of materials properties, behavior, and performance. I am a well-known expert in mechanics of materials, deformation processing of materials, manufacturing processes for a variety of materials including metals and the performance evaluation of a finished product.
Anne Vil: Having tested two different Luna lances I noticed many discrepancies. Features included but not limited to grain size, phases,microconstituents, and defects (porosity, inclusions, lack of weld penetration).
The Shadow: Was she provided with the one that was found?
Anne Vil: I evaluated the weld quality, carburized case depth, heat treating parameters and cooling rates, quality of ingot processing or casting, etc.
Xavier Reed: *scratches his head*
Anne Vil: My findings revealed that one of the lances is a FAKE!!
Winmere: *looks impressed*
Xavier Reed: *would have to agree with that*
Gareth: These experts are well known anyone hear of them before tonight?
Winfield: And this lance was the one found in PaxOku?
Xavier Reed: *grins*
Malia: *boggles*
Anne Vil: I would like to present for your inspection too lances that were tested
Winfield: *nods*
Anne Vil: It has been noted that there is someone making fake lances perhaps someone here can interpret the name on the lance
Xavier Reed: *sighs at the thought of "knock-offs"*
Anne Vil: A real Luna Lance
Winmere: Probably why we had a hard time getting anyone to take the luna lance at our last treasure hunt.
Winfield: This is the real one?
NANOC: ah but that is the thing
Anne Vil: yes
Xavier Reed: *nods*
Winfield: Very nicely polished.
NANOC: Lady Winmere
Gareth: Winfield I am an expert on bullshit experts may I testify next?
Gareth: *smiles*
Anne Vil: and this other is the one that was found on Lady Cat the night of a treasure hunt. Many here attended that hunt
Winmere: *gasps*
Anne Vil: As you can see the inscription
Xavier Reed: *hmm*
Winfield: Do you have the lance found in PaxOku?
Winmere: *is amazed*
Anne Vil: It was not provided to me...but this lance was from Lady Cat's own hands
Gareth: *Wonders where Walt went*
Anne Vil: she was welding it the night of the treasure hunt
Winfield: *nods*
Gareth: So you broke into the water supply building and stole a lance from Lady Cat?
Gareth: Lots of law breaking going on.
Winfield: The Lance in PaxOku has not been found?
Anne Vil: I believe it was found on the ground. I wish for more to examine the "fake" forged Lance so all may be aware of the name on it
Gareth: How did you obtain the lance from Cat?
Winfield: Thank you.
Anne Vil: It was on the ground that evening
Gareth: So she just threw it on the ground.
Anne Vil: she then picked it back up placing it in her pack as others here can testify
NANOC: Overwelming evidence
Gareth: Okay she put it in her pack. How did you get it?
Anne Vil: She left it back on the ground Sir
Gareth: So she put it on the ground.
Gareth: Picked it back up put it in her pack
Anne Vil: while she was intimadating those on the hunt
Gareth: then threw it back on the ground
NANOC: The Book or Wrong did you wrong Mayor Gareth
Winfield: Anything else Anne?
Winmere: *gasps*
Anne Vil: Anything else Governor
Gareth: So you have not inspected the Luna Lance found in PaxOku?
Xavier Reed: *to bad Cat is not here to answer those questions*
Anne Vil: no Sir
Marshall Hood: *Gets ansy and wishes to speak*
Winfield: Thank you Anne.
NANOC: oppertune that she isnt

Gareth: Winfield I would move to find these lances as non evidence until CaT may defend herself.
Winmere: *looks around for Sheriff CaT*
NANOC: The name on the lance says it all
Winfield: I understand your request Gareth.
NANOC: come and look citizens
Gareth: Forged by Gareth spelled backwards. Cute very cute.

Winfield: As a point of order tonight,
Winfield: we plan to finish by top of the hour. I do need 10 minutes before that to think on the testimony.

The Shadow: I had questions.
Marshall Hood: *wishes to speak*
Winfield: So at this time, are there other testimonies or questions to be made?
Winfield: Come on up.
The Shadow: I had a few. I shall try and be brief.
Winfield: *nods*
The Shadow: Nanoc..
The Shadow: You said you wanted the paladins there to protect the Book of Wrong?
NANOC: no, to protect Gareth, not the book.
The Shadow: Protect him from what?
NANOC: the book and himslef
The Shadow: Because the book might make him evil?
NANOC: No because he was acting stangely, was the entire nite he got the book.
The Shadow: I see.
NANOC: He seems to be in his senses tonite
The Shadow: I understand as mayor, you have an immunity to his law?
The Shadow: Diplomatic immunity?
NANOC: I only wanted to speak with Mayor Gareth
The Shadow: I didn't ask that.
NANOC: and used that to seek a
The Shadow: I am asking if you have a diplomatic immunity to his decree? You mentioined that you did that night.
NANOC: I am not above the law but i use the laws of the Statehood in there intended fashion
The Shadow: I must have been confused.
NANOC: Yes, you are
The Shadow: But you knew that paladins were going to be killed according to the ban.
NANOC: I was not killed
The Shadow: No, you were not. But your task force.
NANOC: Phoenix was not killed
The Shadow: Did you know they were killed by Lady CaT?
NANOC: No im not accusing anyone of killing the paladin guards
The Shadow: And again, thats not what I asked.
NANOC: Yes it was
The Shadow: Did you know that she killed them?
NANOC: No as i said, and im not accusing anyone
The Shadow: She did, I saw them. I watched them die.
NANOC: and we came to properly bury them
Gareth: and I run from the fights?
Gareth: *laughs*
The Shadow: They would still be alive today if you hadn't sent them.
NANOC: They would still be alive if the Neutrality Law was upheld
The Shadow: And if you hadn't sent them to their deaths. But Neutrality.
NANOC: Neutrality is the question here
The Shadow: It is indeed. It seems to favor the virtues.
NANOC: it favors the citizens
The Shadow: How is that neutral? Withdraw that, rhetorical. The homeless are banned from this city, correct?
Gareth: *Looks to Winfield*
Winfield: The homeless are not banned. Mayor Ga'kuct has relocated them to shelters at times. Sometimes we do not know where those shelters are.
The Shadow: Ah, then my apologies.
Gareth: Their souls they relocated aye.
Winfield: People do sneak food into the homeless shelters they find.
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: *listens*
The Shadow: Then, my apologies. Although..
Winfield: *nods*
The Shadow: It does trouble me that the orcs are constantly insulted about their lack of hygeine. They are, after all, citizens of this land too.
NANOC: off topic
The Shadow: It is.
NANOC: get him outta here
Winfield: *nods*
The Shadow: And I apologize.
Winmere: *chuckles*
Gareth: *smiles*
Winfield: Thank you Shadow.

Winfield: Welcome
Marshall Hood: First of all I thank the people of Pax for allowing the Syndicate to speak. It is the belief of the Syndicate that all questions and statements made thus far are... Well... Irrelevant.
Winmere: *nods*
Marshall Hood: This is not a court of law... nor a hearing. We are discussing the validity of the law. Simply... the syndicate wishes to make it clear that there are only two outcomes law-wise... We are curious if the pax statehood allows for its Mayor to declair Martial Law... Which would allow for the circumvision of established laws to protect his or her people... If so... Gareth is allowed to do exactly what he is doing... protecting his people... If not, then he is in clear violation of the Neutrality law... Paladins as a people cannot be banned without proof. Therefor I leave it to you Winfield..
Phoenix: *nods*
Marshall Hood: Is there a law allowing Martial Lay to be declaired by mayors? If not this is a clear violation.
Winfield: Yes there is, for just cause.
Marshall Hood: Then if Martial Law is allowed.... It has clearly been declaired.
Winfield: If a mayor perceives a threat, he may do what he needs to to protect his citizens.
Marshall Hood: Then he needs no proof... only his assumption.
Winfield: Of course, that threat may need to be justified at a later time if questioned, as the case here.
Winmere: *nods*
Winfield: Such decrees can not be made lightly of course by Mayors.
Marshall Hood: Well, in the case of Martial Law... simply the assumption of an immidiate threat is enough. However this is simply the opinion of the Syndicate. And I thank you for hearing us out.
Winfield: Thank you very much, and thank you Verity Syndicate.

Winfield: Welcome
Neira: If it pleases... I have a few questions
Winfield: Certainly.
Neira: *fixes glasses*
Neira: Mayor Nanoc, can you please define in your own words what a paladin is
NANOC: A warrior
Neira: Just a warrior?
Winmere: *waits for the rest*
NANOC: that upholds the 8 virtues, an honorable knight
Neira: How do they uphold the virtues?
NANOC: they live them day to day, a servent of the realm. He is a Holy Knight crusading in the name of good and order.
Neira: If I were to propose the Virtues themselves are not netral, would you agree or disagree?
NANOC: I would have to agree
Neira: Could a paladin abide by a necromancer practicing thier art?
Neira: How about the study of a dark artifact?
NANOC: Yes, Compassion
Neira: Thank you, all I wanted to ask
Winfield: Thank you.

Winfield: Please allow me five minutes to deliberate on the testimony so far.


Winfield: I have heard a great deal of testimony in this hearing and a week ago.
Evadne Howard: *sits up looking at Winfield*
Phoenix: *holds breath*
Darth Oni: *listening*
Winfield: Since this is a hearing of law, I have focused testimonies related to the law of PaxLair Statehood and the PaxOku Decree. There has been much testimony about actions after the decree. There have been some, but few statements about the reason behind the decree itself. Every Mayor has a right to make decrees.
Evadne Howard: *nods in agreement*
Winfield: And if there is an imminent danger, that mayor may take action.
Evadne Howard: *nods again*
Winfield: And that decree may come in question later, as it is now.
Winmere: *nods*
Winfield: But the hearing here must focus on the circumstances leading to the decree. I have heard the decree was made based on some things. One was a Seer had a vision of paladins threatening the PaxOku water supply. That was stated at the last hearing.
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: I have heard about the quality of water in PaxOku, not being corrupted in itself and I have heard about Luna Lances. Such evidence is relevant to me because they are points that may have led Mayor Gareth to enact such a decree, or should not have. The Book of Wrong has been raised as a potential issue.
Winmere: *looks at Gareth*

Winfield: The question as to whether Mayor Gareth's judgement was affected by this artifact. I have not heard testimony to try to prove or disprove this. Yet it is still a factor that I need to understand. I have learned more in testimonies at the first hearing about the decree based on water supply threats. Yet this was not stated by the Sheriff originally. I have learned tonight that the Paladins were suspect, yet may have only needed to stay out of PaxOku a few days to have the PaxOku government learn of the problems of water in more detail. I have learned citizens, such as Winmere, can not return home due to a warrant for her arrest.
Winmere: *bites lip*
Winfield: I have learned Mayor Nanoc executed, and rightly so, a diplomatic immunity to meet Mayor Gareth. And if done properly, Mayor Nanoc would use that privilege not as a Paladin, but as a Mayor. I do not have enough yet to make an important ruling about Mayor Gareth's decree. To overrule a Mayor's decree is serious business.
Winmere: *sighs*

Winfield: What I lack, from Mayor Gareth, is the succinct reasoning and evidence leading to such an abruptly mandated Decree against Paladins.
Gareth: Wouldnt be such a problem if it was banning vampires *cough*
Winfield: If all the testimony is a vision from a Seer, and a Luna Lance, then I can deal with that. And I can attempt a ruling based on that reasoning. If there is potential the Book of Wrong had influence here, I would like to know that before I make a ruling.
Winmere: *thinks Gareth looks different*
The Shadow: A simple book? *chuckles*
Gareth: So if I was holding a Chiv Book it would be different. *smiles*
Winfield: So, my main statement tonight is I can not yet rule on this point of law.
Winmere: I can only say that he does not resemble the Gareth that I knew.
Winfield: But I need to soon, very soon, as many people are affected.
Evadne Howard: *thinks we can all change appearance from day to day...does not mean corruption.*
Phoenix: *nods*

Winfield: I will offer one last hearing for all interested to bring to me anything relevant regarding the law, and what led up to the decree.
Katherine: .
Winfield: It is important to declare criminals before a banning decree.
Winmere: *yawns and stretches*
Gareth: *Falls asleep*
Winfield: And I do not believe paladins as a class of peoples can be compared to previously declared criminal groups such as CHAMPS and AT.
Winmere: Indeed
Winfield: And I can say the Exclusion by Distrust Law is not a factor here. Only I may use that at my discretion. So, I wish to schedule one more hearing,
Phoenix: *sighs*
Winmere: *sighs*
Winfield: and before then talk to the Mayors here about their testimonies too.
Gareth: *Sighs*
The Shadow: *sighs*
Darth Oni: *sighs*
Winfield: I wish to respect the rights of Mayors to have decrees.
Marshall Hood: *Breathes inward*
Marshall Hood: *agrees*
Winfield: For in my ruling, precedents will be made.
Winmere: *nods*

Winfield: As for Winmere returning home, I recommend to Mayor Gareth to lift the order for her arrest pending this hearing.
Winmere: Pfffft!  Fat lot of good that will do.
Gareth: Hasnt she already sunk into her home multipal times?
Winfield: As for Paladins entering PaxOku, except in one of the districts,
Winmere: Why would I risk it? I wish not to sunk, or slink, anyway.
Winfield: I must uphold at this time Gareth's decree as he still finds the source of the problem. And the water supply is secured. I expect in a few daysthat I will know much more from Mayor Gareth about the problem with the water, which I still do not understand what threat exists to the water, and we will clear all this up.
Winmere: Me either.
Winfield: To follow Mayor Gareth's decree, which is questioned in law, but was given based on a perceived immediate danger, I ask Paladins to avoid incursions into PaxOku until the water supply is secured,
The Shadow: Its hard to understand what unnefarious deeds the paladins have in store for the water.
Winmere: *nods*
Winfield: Mayor Nanoc and his ambassadors may enter PaxOku of course.
Phoenix: hmm

Winfield: When will we be able to conclude this hearing, what day?
Winfield: Nanoc? Gareth?
Winmere: *hopes it is soon*
Abraham: blarf
Evadne Howard: *covers a yawn*
NANOC: I am available
Phoenix: If we wait 30 minutes Sir we can do it tomorrow
Phoenix: *grins*
NANOC: most nites
Winfield: *smiles*
Winmere: *chuckles at Phoenix*
Winfield: Sunday night?
Winfield: Or is that the event on TC4?
NANOC: its ok for me
Phoenix: yes
Winfield: I think there is an event Sunday night.
Phoenix: That is the night of the event
Winfield: What other night?
Winfield: Monday night?
Neira: all guard me
Winmere: *looks over the shoulder and blinks*
Marshall Hood: *Shtugs*
The Shadow: The TC4 devent.
You see:  Malia
Abraham: In Lor - Night Sight
Winfield: TC4 is Sunday, right?
The Shadow: It is.
Winfield: Is Monday alright Nanoc and Gareth?
NANOC: its ok for me
Winmere: *just say "Yes"*
Winfield: Very well, same time, Monday at 9 PM ET here, with gathering at 8:30 PM.
Gareth: No
Gareth: Yes
Winmere: *glares at Gareth*
Winfield: Oh, and my [time zone on Stratics calendar was off]
Winmere: For shame!
Winfield: [they changed the server base time recently]
Winmere: *nods*
Neira: [it be fixed soon]

Winfield: Next hearing must focus on the issues leading to the Decree. Not things after the decree.
Winmere: *nods*
Winfield: Then, that night, I can make my ruling of law.
Winmere: That does not include me, then.
Winfield: Any questions?
Winmere: Would you like some humie eerz bread?

Gareth: Winmere may return to PaxOku City *Grunts* But, only the VirtueWind District.
Winmere: Almost fresh.
Winmere: Ah, thank you, Mayor Gareth.
Winmere: *smiles*
Winmere: *bows*
Winfield: Thank you all for your patience, your interest in law, and your service to our Statehood.
Winfield: Hearing is adjourned.
Winmere: Thank you, Old Man!
Winfield: I will be in my office downstairs for any questions or discussion.
Marshall Hood: *claps*
Winmere: *cheers*
Darth Oni: *cheers*
Abraham: *cheers*
Winfield: Dragonspeed to you all!
Winmere: And to you.
Gareth: and I plan to find a nice dark tavern with much ale!
NANOC: Justice is the truth of what is right and wrong in human action and the love of what is right.

******** IN GOVERNOR WINFIELD'S OFFICE ************

Winfield: Come in.
Marshall Hood: Greetings!
Winfield: How can I help everyone?

Neira: Tis a long afair is it not. I dont see it ending well. Seems to me its a battle of wills more then of the law
Winfield: Oh, that is what I emphasized at the end. I have let many talk in the past hearings. And listened carefully. Next hearing I will be asking most of the questions I believe.
Marshall Hood: *nods*
Neira: In the end I dont think eather side will back down
Winfield: And then we will focus on more of the lawful things needed to be known. It is hard in a hearing such as this. It is not a trial, yet some see it as a trial. They seek to find someone wrong, or did the wrong thing. I seek to understand the law and what led a mayor to make a decree. And then, an examination if the decree was lawful under superior laws.
Marshall Hood: Aye, as you know the Syndicate is very interested in the laws of your townships.
Winfield: These are the discussions we will need to hear at the final hearing.
Neira: Do you think in the end the law will prevail?
Winfield: I can not say at all. I have not heard enough information yet. I do sincerely appreciate all the testimony made so far. People have revealed a lot in these hearings, some things that may need considerations later for justice or the way we look at paladins and necromancers.
Neira: That conflict is old
Winfield: We all learn from examining these things.

Marshall Hood: Well, as I hope I made it clear... what is really at question is the reach and duration of.... a Mayors decree in time of emergency. I was hoping the testimony focused more on this fact.
Winfield: yes, you did Marshall Hood.
Neira: But the Paladins are always first to fight. Then again we necromancers are not completley inocent.
Marshall Hood: As your ruling is of utmost importance to the Syndicate
Winfield: I strongly believe a Mayor has the authority and right to declare emergencies to threats.
Marshall Hood: I appologise if I seem harsh... but the nature of Paladins seems irrelevent in this matter. We could replace "Paladin" with "mage" or "swordman" and still be at the same dilemna.
Winfield: I agree Marshall Hood.
Neira: I had to grow up fearing them, I was born in Umbra you know.
Winfield: I need to hear more about why a class of people were banished. I am pleased with the interest this has and hope it does not waste people's time. Now we will focus much of the things at the next hearing. I do plan to make a ruling at the next hearing.

Marshall Hood: Well, may I suggest a topic.
Winfield: Certainly.
Marshall Hood: First let me clarify... What the syndicate refer to as "martial law".... does PaxLair have a term?
Neira: hi
Marshall Hood: A state of emergency where laws are bypassed.
Katherine: Hello *smiles*
Winfield: We do not really have such a term. The mayor's rule, and mine, are absolute actually.
Marshall Hood: Well... that in itself could be addressed.
Winfield: *nods* PaxOku has a council of districts. I am not sure if they vote on things or not.
Marshall Hood: In addition... there must be guidelines set for the term. So a mayor cannot simply declair an emergeny at every whim as a means to bypass laws... which may be happening here.
Winfield: Decrees are made not just for emergencies. I have several, along with past mayors. A decree of emergency is definitely significant. Just having a mayor use the word decree brings much into the realm of law. And order to do something, which is a short-lived thing, may have been more appropriate.
Marshall Hood: Aye
Winfield: And usually the orders are stated for short durations. Until an end state of some kind is achieved. And the order usually states the desired end-state.
Marshall Hood: Agreed. This is what I feel our next hearing shoud focus on.
Winfield: A decree can go on forever, if not done properly. A good suggestion.
Winfield: I will prepare opening remarks then along some of these lines.

Marshall Hood: How much evedence is needed to make such temporary laws? Obviously the motive is questionable to have 3 hearings concern it... so how can Gareth be at blame for passing a law over such a contorversial issue.
Winfield: It is hard to say, that is why human, elf, or orc judgement is needed.
Marshall Hood: Aye, agreed. I am honored that the Syndicate was able to offer our opinion here tonight however.

Winfield: Our hearings have taken longer than I expected. They should have taken one day. It was a matter of me focusing the testimony.
Marshall Hood: Aye, it seems many take their time to formulate responces. *smiles*
Winfield: I also wanted to see how the testimony would first flow without much questioning by me. That way, we learn more about the process and the knowledge of more things.
Marshall Hood: Aye, a wise idea. Feel out the crowd.
Winfield: *nods*
Winfield: And tonight's delay was my fault, to a degree.
Marshall Hood: This next meeting you should be able to focus questioning and get the answers you seek.
Winfield: I think so too. I am glad the Verity Syndicate was here and interested in our system of laws.
Marshall Hood: Well, as you know we are establishing our own soon... and we hope to be great allies.
Winfield: *nods*
Marshall Hood: For these reasons hearing such as this are high on our priority list.
Winfield: I look forward to learning from you.
Marshall Hood: *smile* Hopefully we will have many years worth of hearings ahead of us! *laughs*
Winfield: Oh wonderful. I like fishing better. *chuckles*
Marshall Hood: Haha, getting tired of carrying around the Golden Rod eh? *laughs* Better is the fishing rod.
Winfield: I wish Golden Rod caught fish. Then all would be wonderful.
Katherine: Then you would never get any statehood business done. *laughs*
Marshall Hood: Hahah... then we would never see it again... or the like of you for that matter. haha
Winfield: Oh, and your point is Katherine? *smiles* Meetings would be at fishing holes only.
Marshall Hood: Yes, sorry Katherine... I tend to go on and on. haha Now there is a decree to be made! *smiles*
Winfield: *grins*
Marshall Hood: Ahh, excellent.

Winfield: I must rest about 5 minutes, then I imagine Lady Katherine wants a post hearing interview.
Winfield: You may stay of course if you like Marshall Hood.
Katherine: Just a very short one.
Winfield: *rests for 5 minutes*

Marshall Hood: It seems Winfield has awoken from his dreams of the 300 stone catch!
Katherine: *smiles*
Marshall Hood: I will leave you to your reporting.
Katherine: Fair eve to you, Marshall Hood
Marshall Hood: Fare thee well Katherine.
Winfield: Be well Marshall Hood.
Marshall Hood: And thank you again for having the Syndicate Winfield.
Winfield: Oh, is Marshall your first name or your title?
Marshall Hood: I look forward to us all meeting again soon. That indeed is a Looong tale. It used to be my title... which was a great time.
Winfield: *smiles*
Marshall Hood: However that bortherhood was long ago disbnaded... and the poeple around me took it as my name So it stuck *smile*
Winfield: So call you Marshall for short?
Marshall Hood: Aye, Marshall... or Hood... just not Sally please.
Winfield: Or Hood?
Marshall Hood: *smiles*
Winfield: Oh Sally? I knew her.
Marshall Hood: *laughs*
Winfield: She was one of the homeless here.
Marshall Hood: Im sure youve known all the ladies iny our day!
Winfield: Have not seen her lately.
Marshall Hood: Ahh
Winfield: No no, just a few ladies.
Winfield: I stuck to my studies and fishing.
Marshall Hood: I need to learn more of these homeless I have heard so much of lately. Ah, wise... Abe needs to learn the same.
Winfield: Then you will need to meet Mayor Ga'kuct and his Snaga named John Duke. Snaga is an orc slave.
Marshall Hood: Ahh, excellent. Always something new to stuble across here in Pax! *smiles*
Winfield: *grins*
Marshall Hood: stumble* Well, I do not wish to run my mouth further than I can keep up with,
Winfield: Like I said, people bring the people. Their [imagination].
Marshall Hood: Aye
Winfield: *waves*
Marshall Hood: Till next time you too. Safe travels!
Katherine: Farewell

Winfield: Thanks for waiting Katherine.
Katherine: *smiles* Patience is, after all, the long-lost 9th Virtue *smiles broadly*
Winfield: Indeed! Fishing is #10, right?
Katherine: Ummm *looks down*
Winfield: Oh maybe not.
Katherine: Maybe not *giggles*
Winfield: *grins*
Winfield: Like my new uniform?
Katherine: It is very impressive, yes Quite regal
Winfield: Thanks. I made it for the new ages coming. Had a great tailor in Britain make it.
Katherine: I think I got most of what I needed from your talk with Marshall Hood for an article, but I wanted to get just a quick "final statement" from you.

Winfield: *nods* *prepares the statement*
Winfield: I am extremely impressed by the interest of people of the Realm in our Hearings of Law. It is important we live in a Realm by Rule of Law. That is simply part of being civilized even in a Realm of peril and opportunity. Soon, I will bring this Hearing of Law to a close. I have heard much, but now I have several questions for the Mayors and people. At the next hearing, I will make my ruling of law.
Katherine: Thank you for your comments, Governor.
Winfield: Thank you Katherine! Have a great night.
Katherine: Fair eve to you, Governor Winfield.
Winfield: Be well my friend.

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