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PaxLair Statehood Law Hearing #1 Raw Transcript Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 25 July 2007


The following transcript was heard on Wednesday, July 25, 2007.  It is entered into record by the Governor's Office.

Winfield: Welcome everyone to our PaxLair Statehood Capital.  Today we have a Hearing of Law.  PaxLair's Laws are for all the cities of our Statehood as you know.  They are listed in your books.
Winmere: *nods*
Winfield: The governor and each mayor may make more laws and have specific decrees as they see fit in order to efficiently operate the statehood and the cities. No decree or city law, though, may violate a statehood law. Tonight, we will hear Nanoc claim that a decree by Mayor Gareth in PaxOku has made a decree for that city that is not lawful under the Statehood Law of Neutrality.
Winmere: *nods*
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: We will hear from Mayor Gareth about his decree. This is not a trial. This is a hearing.
Gareth: Whew! *Feels neck*
Winfield: Also, no one votes on the decision. I decide.
Marshall Hood: *appreciates that fact*

Winfield: Mayors and citizens may make claims of law at any time to me, such as Nanoc has. Our hearing will last no more than an hour. Testimony will be given from the pentagram facing me. Audience may be allowed to give additional testimony as I see fit. I may or may not decide on the lawful nature of Mayor Gareth's decree tonight. All depends on the testimony. On another note, we are in Felucca of course. Any disruptors will be expelled from the hearing. Are there any questions for me on procedure before we start?
Phoenix: Nay
Winfield: The audience does not need to remain totally silent during the testimonies. But any major outbursts will be frowned upon or any grandstanding.
Marshall Hood: *silently conceals his party trinket*

Winfield: I, Governor Winfield of the PaxLair Statehood, hereby open this public Hearing of Law. I call first Mayor Nanoc to the pentragram.
Phoenix: *claps*
Winmere: *cheers*

NANOC: Hail and well met Your Eminence
Darth Oni: *cheers*
Winfield: *nods*
NANOC: and fellow citizens. The paladin conflict in the city of PaxOku is evidence of a much larger struggle inside the city itself, as paladins assert their rights to support the Virtues Openly in the face of obvious city government hostility. What has been unclear about this particular Decree is why this position has been taken by Mayor Gareth. This decree has resulted in increasing harassment of not only paladins but also Citizens who reside in PaxOku, discrimination and even death.
Winmere: Indeed!
NANOC: This rhetoric is surprisingly visceral and unfortunate, because it is unsupported by the Law of Neutrality, as it will be demonstrated.
Winmere: *nods*
Evadne Howard: *pats Winmeres back*
Gareth: *Yawns*
NANOC: Why you ask does it matter? Because the philosophical principles of the Eight Virtures matter to keep and maintain the balance of good and evil. Neutrality is the backbone of PaxLair Statehood.
Winmere: *smiles at Evadne*
CaT: *yawns*
Phoenix: Indeed!!
The Shadow: *nods*
NANOC: The injustice of this Decree is clear. DECREES LAW: PaxLair government is a Monarchy.  Decrees by the Governor are Law.  Decrees by Mayors of cities of the PaxLair Statehood are Law, unless conflicting with PaxLair Statehood Laws (or Decrees by the Govenor).  Est. Jan 19, 1998.
Winmere: Indeed!
NANOC: That is all I have for now Your Excellency I have stated my opening
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Nanoc.
Winmere: *cheers*
Katherine: *claps*
NANOC: Thank you all
Evadne Howard: *claps*
Phoenix: *claps claps*
Darth Oni: *claps*
Crypt Keeper: Well said

Winfield: Mayor Gareth, your opening remarks please.
Rayne: hey
CaT: *claps*
Gareth: Hail to all of you that show your support to the Paladins. Which is what? Eighty percent here? Anyways. Tis what I find funny about all these big fancy words that I cant understand that Nanoc said.
Phoenix: tsk tsk
Winmere: The eighty percent will not be making any decisions on this matter.
Gareth: I dont plan to give you a big show of this connecting to that Virtue this I did not hear Anti virtue this. but, that is no matter. The Paladins have a problem because for the FIRST time in history a law did not go a PALADINS way.
Havok: *nods*
Gareth: We seek to protect our citizens and our city. How many times have Paladins enterd the city of PaxOku?
Phoenix: You have arrested your own citizens
Gareth: How many Paladin buildings are in PaxOku?
Winmere: The Anti-Virtue followers have not been prohibited from entering PaxOku.
Gareth: How many Paladins defend paxoku? How many paladins give two rats tails about PaxOku.
Darth Oni: and how many safe ur a...?
Gareth: To quote Cross "I dont care I dont even go there" TIs okay for orc bowling if you pay Nanoc enough gold to do it. As he stated last night at the meeting.
NANOC: Dont change the subject
Gareth: *Throws book*
Winmere: *nice diversion*
Gareth: Tis Okay for Cross to make payment to attack orcs. Tis Okay for the Orcs of PaxLair city to attack the elves and try to erase a race.
Phoenix: Have paladins not participated peacefully in your city? The plays?
Evadne Howard: *covers a smile*
Gareth: but, we try to protect our citizens until we can secure our water supply and more paladins then ever in the history of PaxOku show up? Now they take an interest in PaxOku?
NANOC: Well Dragons Watch feeds the homeless we can supply you with water too
Evadne Howard: *whispers to Katherine*
Evadne Howard: What water supply?
Phoenix: *nods in agreement*
Gareth: We have information leading back to Paladins to attack our water supply. Hense the Ban. Until such time as we can secure it.
Katherine: *whispers to Evadne*
Sebrina: oh?
Gareth: Tis is not the job of the government to protect its people?
Katherine: The city well
Gareth: If we cannot do that then why have one? Thank you.
NANOC: the Paladins can help you secure it
CaT: *claps*
CaT: *claps*
CaT: *claps*
Miss Kayi: *claps*
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Gareth.
Angelica: *claps*
Phoenix: *frowns*
Havok: *claps*
CaT: Yes just like you secure meetings for the government
Darth Oni: *claps*
CaT: Under a sword
CaT: *scoffs*
The Shadow: I know that I feel safer in PaxOku now.

Winfield: Now that we have heard opening statements,
CaT: I feel safer too
Winfield: let us focus on the law and the decree.
Havok: *laughs*
Darth Oni: *grins*
Winfield: I will restate the law of Neutrality which is one law Nanoc told me is a factor.  And then read the Decree by Mayor Gareth.
Winfield: NEUTRALITY LAW:  PaxLair is a Community of Neutrality. People or groups coming to PaxLair in the spirit of Neutrality will not be attacked, stolen from or banned unless they violate PaxLair's laws, are considered untrustworthy, or have been declared criminals of the Community.
Winfield: PAXOKU DECREE BANNING PALADINS: I, Gareth Lightenburg, Mayor of PaxOku, on July 10, 2007, do hereby Decree that For the security of the city of PaxOku and its citizens, all Paladins are to be removed and kept out of PaxOku City until such time as the government of PaxOku can identify the threat to the water supply and secure it in PaxOku city.
Phoenix: *laughs loudly*
NANOC: *jeez*

Winfield: Now I will turn to Mayor Nanoc for questions for Mayor Gareth.
Winfield: Gareth may stand and respond.
Gareth: Here?
Winfield: *nods*
NANOC: Why was not this decree made pulic prior to Shariff CaT announcment at the July 10 meeting?
Gareth: It was in its first form at that time. We already caught a paladin near the water supply and had to deal with it quickly and swiftly.
NANOC: If i remember correctly you where incohearent at that meeting.
Winmere: *nods*
Gareth: Correct.
NANOC: seemed unfit to make any decrees
Phoenix: *nods*
Gareth: Is this a question or a statement?
Gareth: well he said ask me questions not facts and comments.
Miss Kayi: *giggles*
CaT: *laughs*
Angelica: *smiles*
Gareth: can I object to that?
Winfield: You can ask him to clarify.
Gareth: Its devistating to my case.
CaT: Grandstanding again NANOC
Marshall Hood: *laugh*
NANOC: You let lowly Shariff's made Mayoral Decrees
Havok: lowely ?
CaT: Lowly?
Miss Kayi: umm...
CaT: You insult me paladin
Gareth: Higher government officals cannot make decisions? What do we have them for?
Winmere: He is easily influenced by women.
Winmere: *sighs*
Gareth: She is the sheriff she is to protect the city.
NANOC: the Decrees state it must be a Mayor
Miss Kayi: *looks at Winmere*
NANOC: not an underling
NANOC: does it not?
CaT: *evil smile*
Gareth: hmm...
Winmere: By issuing arrest warrants against citizens who have done no wrong?
Gareth: so if the Orcs attack your city and your sick you cannot have your defense make a decison?
Phoenix: Harassing outside of your own city limits?
Gareth: you just let them destory it?
Gareth: I wish you were my mayor now
CaT: You harass inside ours Phoenix
Gareth: I feel safe.
Miss Kayi: *laughs*
Winmere: Who made this decision then, you or Sheriff CaT?
Crypt Keeper: *sneers*
Phoenix: Yes who?
Winmere: Who made the decree?
Gareth: Both together.
NANOC: Changing the subjuct does not futher the
Gareth: Even when I was better I stayed with it.
Sindalish: *yawn* I think it would be the Mayor or rather ANY citizens right to protect their own city. You all should stand by that if there is a danger to the city and it's members.  He has every right to defend it.
Gareth: So twas not my mental state.

Gareth: any other questions Nanoc?
Gareth: Or more comments?
Evadne Howard: So, CaT made the decree and your supported her decision?
CaT: Nay
Sindalish: If it is to protect the city and it's citizens are you saying you would not? Winmere
CaT: I was asked by the Mayor to make the decree
Sindalish: *sneers*
NANOC: Your mental state was that of such that any Decree by you at that time was reckless.
Winmere: I have seen no proof of what is being said against the Paladins, Sindalish.
CaT: You dare Judge our Mayor!
Phoenix: Yet he did not announce or publish it himself
Wulfgar: *raises head slowly*
Gareth: Then why when I am better have I not overturned it?
CaT: Paladin Arogance surfaces again!
Winmere: I have seen no proof of a water shortage.
Evadne Howard: Who discovered the one tampering with the water supply?
NANOC: Yes Winmere
Winmere: This all seems to be trumped up.

Wulfgar: Where is the evidence that makes such a decree against paladins necessary?

Gareth: Maybe the reason you want to enter the city More then ANY other Paladin Nanoc is because it is your plan to attack our water supply?
Winmere: Indeed, the citizens are entitled to see the evidence.
Wulfgar: *lowers head and listens*
NANOC: I have no need for your water, DW is surrounded by water
Crypt Keeper: *shakes head*
Sindalish: Winmere
Katherine: I have a question of law, Governor
Sindalish: your statments look only to sow unrest
Gareth: I did not say take or shortage, I said attack.
CaT: Then why travel so far to our city?
Sindalish: why would you wish that
Crypt Keeper: Tis civil war....
Sindalish: on our city? yes.... one might ask why those are so offensive in their attacks
NANOC: I have always come to PaxOku in peace
Sindalish: what their true motives are... You call this peace?
CaT: *laughs*
Gareth: All Paladins have no problem staying clear as we make sure our city is secure except you.
NANOC: for many years
Sindalish: attack a man who only wishes to protect his city
Winmere: I only wish for peace and neutrality.
Sindalish: Winmere i think you wish for far more
CaT: Aye.
Katherine: NANOC, may I ask a question?
Phoenix: Neutrality is the law of the land
NANOC: and as a government official
Elrond: *farts*
CaT: She conspires with the paladins
Sindalish: *nods to Phoenix*
Winmere: If someone has done wrong, then they should be punished, but not an entire group for...
Havok: not my land..

Winfield: Order please.
Sindalish: i'm the first to agree
NANOC: I have Diplomatic Immunity
Wulfgar: I only wish to see evidence for the need of such a decree against paladins.
Winmere: one person's actions.
Winfield: We return to Nanoc asking questions at present.
NANOC: I only want to help Mayor Gareth
Lissa Eldi: as do I
Gareth: and as a government official you bring more Paladins to the city.
CaT: He did not ask for your help NANOC
Gareth: You station them in our buildings.
Winmere: *looks in astonishment at CaT*
NANOC: To protect You and the Book of Wrong from falling into the hands of evil
Wulfgar: *bows head a closes eyes*
Gareth: Did we ask for your protection?
Havok: hands of evil ?
Gareth: No
Darth Oni: *raise hand*
Gareth: Do we want it? Yes when we feel it is needed. Not when you feel it is needed.
Winfield: Do you have any other questions at this time Nanoc?
Darth Oni: *raise hand*
Winmere: *wants to see proof*
Winfield: *sees the hands*
Katherine: *raises hand*

NANOC: Do you have evidence of an attack on your water supply by Paladins ?
Gareth: Yes we do.
NANOC: Then speak, i have no more questions
Sindalish: *raises eyebrow*
Havok: *raises hand*

Winfield: Mayor Gareth please, tell us about the allegations against the Paladins about the evidence of water supply damage.
Gareth: We were given information by a seer that a Paladin would poison our water supply.
Phoenix: A seer?
Sindalish: *wiggles in lap*
Gareth: and if that happend the city would need to be evacuated and disbanded.
Phoenix: you use fortune tellers to make decrees?
Gareth: Do you wish to know the name?
Sebrina: aye
Darth Oni: *nods*
Gareth: *Points to his left*
Miss Kayi: It is I
The Shadow: *gasps*
Crypt Keeper: *chuckles*
Xavier Reed: *hrm*
Gareth: Someone who has been with paxoku and paxlair city over the years.
Darth Oni: *raise an brow*
Gareth: A citizen
Gareth: Who has always been neutral in all things.
Winfield: So you state that a seer had a vision, and you made a pre-emptive decree based on that?
Phoenix: That is what he said
Sindalish: Phoenix changes her name to Gareth
Sindalish: *laughs*
Gareth: Correct and what was found when we went to the well was curropted water and a Luna lance.

Winfield: Any other evidence supporting the vision?
Gareth: Someone quickly ran out.
Phoenix: Winmere are you still drinking the water?
Gareth: You dont see many Luna Lances around.
Evadne Howard: *coughs*
Winmere: I have no shortage of water.  Rain barrels work wonderfully.
Sindalish: One might not volunteer that information Winmere especially when you seem so quick to try to cast blame and suspicion on Gareth.
Gareth: We are not talking of a shortage you old hags!
Miss Kayi: And that is why you havent seen it
The Shadow: So she knows not to drink the water!
Evadne Howard: Depends on how many level 6 maps you dig sometimes.
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Gareth for clarifying.
Gareth: We are talking of an attack on the water supply.
Katherine: *gasps*
Winmere: People throw away Luna Lances all the time.
Gareth: Welcome.

Winfield: I ask now for the audience to step onto the pentagram with questions
Winfield: for either Nanoc or Gareth.
Winmere: Indeed, Evadne.
Gareth: When do I get to question Nanoc?
Winfield: Oh
Katherine: Governor, I seek a clarification if I may
Winfield: Mayor Gareth.
Winfield: Please take the pentragram and ask of Nanoc first.
Winfield: Sorry Katherine.
Winfield: *apologizes*
Gareth: I can already see your ruleing anyways. I fear this wont matter.
Gareth: Hail nanoc.
Winfield: Nay, I have not enough information for a ruling yet.
Winmere: *sighs*
NANOC: Hail Gareth
Gareth: Do tell me why you were in PaxOku that eve. On Wednesday the day after the meeting.
NANOC: To talk to Mayor Gareth on his decree. it seems so out of place the decree
Gareth: So, you could find no other way to get into contact with Gareth? You had to enter the city after the decree was made? Or me. really.
NANOC: Yes, as one Mayor to another
Gareth: You vould not send a letter to me to meet you in a neutral area?
NANOC: since we believe that we hold Diplomatic Immunity
Gareth: But, you didnt think it would cause a problem?
NANOC: Face to face is the best way to settle
Winmere: *thinks: diplomatic immunity*
Gareth: Aye to meet you somewhere Nanoc.
Sindalish: Winfield, i have some questions
Gareth: Face to face not to enter the city knowing it would be a problem?
Sebrina: aye
CaT: You did threaten the mayor with death NANOC
Sindalish: when everyone is done bickering and before your Ruling
Winfield: *nods*
CaT: We were concerned for his safety
Gareth: True. Did you not threaten my life?
NANOC: Never
Gareth: You did not?
CaT: Lies
Havok: and Nanoc considered killing Gareth to take the book of wrong
NANOC: i questioned Lady Kathleen
The Shadow: *smiles mischieviously*
Gareth: Ever consider it?
CaT: You wanted the book of wrong for yourself NANOC
Crypt Keeper: How can you justfiy such a question after putting to death people?
NANOC: about your mental state and if i should attack you and take the book
Sindalish: Wasn't the evil Gareth even murdered without trial in Dragons Watch?
Gareth: ah, thanks for clearing that up.
NANOC: she advised me against it
Sindalish: How convienent
Gareth: Do you often just poke your sword into something that doesnt go your way?
Sindalish: *yawns*
NANOC: Sin get your facts straight
Havok: *laughs*
Gareth: No need remark on that.
Sindalish: I was there
Gareth: Withdrawn.
Sindalish: Dearest Nanoc
NANOC: Gareth killled Gareth in DW
Sindalish: you not forget i was sitting in the chair being questions or rather tortured
Gareth: Stay with me Nanoc.
NANOC: Gareth killled Gareth in DW

Gareth: Did you not say you would post Paladins in the city after you knew they were baned? You claim diplomatic blah blah
NANOC: Yes and we did post them
Gareth: but, yet you post paladins in the city violating the law. Why?
NANOC: to protect the book of Wrong
The Shadow: He did!
Havok: From whom ?
CaT: He is after the book!
Gareth: From who? you? who wanted to attack me and take it that night.
NANOC: From You
Gareth: But, now you want Paladins in the city to protect it. We are not about this book. Only the safe keeping of our citizens.
NANOC: Yes we are about this book
Gareth: Oh last question
NANOC: you are about some water supply
Winmere: Hmmm...
Sindalish: Nanoc you seem very determined to have this book
NANOC: We are about This Book

Gareth: Since an elf can pay you enough gold to kills orcs in your city.
Sindalish: Of course many are
Winmere: *is the water supply a diversion?*
Sindalish: it can be a great weapon for power
Gareth: How much will it cost me to twist your arm to kill more paladins.
NANOC: Dont change the subject
Gareth: Im sure you have a price.
NANOC: Gareth
Gareth: Thank you Nanoc.
Winfield: Thank you Mayor Gareth.

Winfield: Now Katherine, from the audience.
Katherine: I seek a clarification in Statehood law, Governor...
Winfield: *nods*
Katherine: By my reading of the laws, does not the Statehood believe in a presumption of innocence?
Phoenix: *nods*
CaT: Apparently not since NANOC declared paladin law
Winfield: That actually is a good question.
Winfield: Yes, we do have the immediate justice law.
Winmere: Try living here without that
Winmere: You will not live long.
Winfield: IMMEDIATE JUSTICE LAW: PaxLair is a Community of Simplicity. Justice may be immediately served against those who break the laws.
Katherine: But that requires breaking the laws first
Phoenix: only if declared untrustworthy
Winfield: So Katherine, you are correct.
Winfield: Even this law presumes a law is broken.
Katherine: *nods*
Katherine: Thank you
Gareth: *Looks at an old portate of Lady Winmere with a double axe attacking AT in paxlair*
NANOC: This not a trial
The Shadow: *raises hand*
Sindalish: *nudges Nanoc*
Gareth: *cough*
Sindalish: good thing too
Sindalish: since you just said you knowing

Winfield: Next hand from a while ago was Darth Oni.
Phoenix: and that is only by the governor correct?
Sindalish: broke law bringin paladins
Sindalish: *winks*
Darth Oni: hail
Darth Oni: ok  than
Winfield: Well met
Darth Oni: questions...
Darth Oni: all know about gareth goods an bad..
Darth Oni: right?
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: Go on please.
Winmere: *never attacked anyone who did not attack me first*
Darth Oni: so i thinks anonc thinking was right...
Sindalish: *laughs*
Sindalish: except with words Winmere
Sindalish: and insinuations
Darth Oni: *nanoc
CaT: *checks watch*
Darth Oni: also...
Darth Oni: gareth
Darth Oni: cries for help
Winmere: Huh?  Did I say something?
Darth Oni: when his down stand under attacke
Darth Oni: he get alot help...
Darth Oni: and he was the one who runs away
Winmere: *chuckles*
Darth Oni: like an whimp
Winmere: *laughs*
Gareth: When did i get atttacked?
Winfield: And your question is?
Phoenix: *raises hand*
Darth Oni: to this time
Gareth: IM about to break five paxlair lawns on Oni in a second.
Darth Oni: the pally not to pity??? pfff i just say facts
The Shadow: *raises hand*
Winfield: Ah, thank you Darth Oni.
Gareth: Fact. your a wench.
Phoenix: *raises hand*
Darth Oni: pfff
Winmere: *grumbles*
Darth Oni: whimp
Marshall Hood: *snickers*
CaT: And an elf too
Winmere: *grins*

Phoenix: *raises hand*
Winfield: Next hand was Sandalish.
Sindalish: oh goody
CaT: You pay the paladins for pleasure to bowl orcs
Sindalish: Actually my question is for everyone not med to be... Nothing big or too taxing for most of you
Darth Oni: i kill them when seee
Sindalish: i do not think only simply ask yourself Why certain people *looks at Winmere* are so intent on casting blame and belittling
CaT: You pay paladins to do your bidding...elf
Sindalish: your government and a man who is only trying to do good for the city long term. I realize there is a Book out there that some fear and others are looking for their own power or reason *looks to Nanoc*
Xavier Reed: *grins*
Sindalish: but we can not get caught up
Darth Oni: i need nothing to idding
Sindalish: in one item when lives of citizens and the future of a city are at stake. Again i ask think about Why people are so intent on casting blame and instilling distrust and chaos on your government it seems more in line with evil rather than good.... *shrugs*
Winmere: Shift the blame to me, so Gareth can go scott free for "his" decisions.


Phoenix: *raises hand*
Havok: *raises eyebrow*
Winmere: *sighs*
Marshall Hood: *Raises hand to clarify a law*
Winfield: Thank you Sindalish.
The Shadow: *raises hand*
Winmere: I did not issue the warrant for my own arrest, either.

Winfield: I call the Hearing to a Point of Order please.
Winmere: *shrugs*
Sindalish: *yawns*
Evadne Howard: *stifles a yawn*

Winfield: As we know, Points of Order override any testimony or action.
Marshall Hood: The Syndicate has a question regaurding the laws of Paxlair
Sindalish: Only the guilty get Defensive Winmere
Phoenix: As do I

Winfield: Our hour is up for tonight within this Hearing.
Winmere: I am not defensive.  Only stating facts.
Havok: Shadow needs to speak
Havok: he's been waiting

Winfield: And Mayor Gareth had an appointment with someone he could not delay.
The Shadow: *frowns*
NANOC: Your Eminence you need to address the Distrust Law
Winfield: Therefore, I can not make a ruling tonight, as there are MANY more questions from the audience. Since Mayor Gareth is not here, I can not make any statements affecting the hearing. So...
Sindalish: Good
Winfield: I will not make a decision tonight.
Sindalish: so i'm going to go play
Marshall Hood: Get em!
Winfield: I will give you this perspective though. There seems to be much here more than the hearing of law. We will reconvene soon. And all questions will be asked.
The Shadow: Very good.

Winfield: I call the Hearing to a Close, and thank you for coming.


Katherine: Could you please briefly describe the Neutrality Law that is at stake here?
Winfield: Certainly.
Winfield: The Neutrality Law was one of our first laws in PaxLair long ago. ... Sorry, Katherine, one moment.

Winfield: Welcome Wulfgar.
Wulfgar: Thank you, sir. for the kind invitation. *bows head to both*
Winfield: Please have a seat.
Winfield: Katherine is just interviewing me after the hearing.
Katherine: Well met, Wulfgar *smiles*
Wulfgar: Ah
Wulfgar: I am not intruding?
Winfield: Not intruding at all.

Winfield: Ah, about the Neutrality Law. The Neutrality Law was made based on one of our three Tenets of PaxLair. Our Tenets have always been Peace, Neutrality and [Roleplaying]. So we needed a Neutrality law, to define how we would operate PaxLair under that tenet. Tenets of course are absolutes, not laws, but given facts that we can never violate even by laws.
Phoenix: *sits quietly*

Winfield: So Neutrality as a tenet is an absolute for our Statehood. The Law of Neutrality helps us understand the tenet of Neutrality and deal with violations of Neutrality within our statehood. Therefore, crimes against neutrality can be brought to the court. We can not try crimes against a tenet, just laws and decrees.
Katherine: I see.
Phoenix: *nods*

Katherine: Could you give me an example of a violation of the Neutrality Law?
Katherine: Unrelated to this case, of course.
Winfield: Well, if someone comes here now and attacks us for no apparent reason, that violates our neutrality in this city. Neutrality tenet and law were made to offer opportunities here for all evil and good.
Katherine: I see, thank you.
Winfield: Of course, many activities here border on this law. We can offer defenses here.

Winfield: We can declare some groups of people untrustworthy to our statehood, meaning they are intending to destroy our way of life through many means. Or, if a group is declared criminals to our statehood, they are not considered neutral to us.

Phoenix: that brings up my question Governor
Winfield: *listens*
Phoenix: according to the Distrust Law only the governor can claim someone untrustworthy?
Winfield: That is correct. A declaration of Distrust is the most severe declaration our Statehood can make against anyone or any group.
Phoenix: The claims made a group is untrustworthy it would be brought to your attention first?
Winfield: Absolutely.
Phoenix: Thank you

Katherine: And would such a declaration be effective throughout the Statehood?
Winfield: Now, there may be distrust against some groups and peoples, but the Distrust Law involves all aspects of our community and our service to the Realm. If someone tries to tear our community service to the Realm apart then I will decide if we will collectively distrust that group.
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: Generally, the distrust law does not affect most activities and situations here in the Realm. They go into the ethereal aspects of our community, mainly.
Phoenix: so if paladins are deemed untrustworthy in a city and this is declared so then all cities respect your decree?
Winfield: I would not declare any group untrustworthy in any one city. Only for the entire statehood of all our 5 cities.
Phoenix: *nods*
Winfield: No mayor may declare a group untrustworthy. They may declare a group criminal though for a particular city.

Wulfgar: There are two levels of distrust, personal and statehood. Correct Governor?
Winfield: That is the idea Wulfgar.
Winfield: Distrust law is severe, and becomes personal against the community people of this statehood. And believe me, that law is rarely, rarely invoked. In fact it was invoked only once, against the Army of Thieves and I revoked that decree using the Law of Distrust a year later.
Katherine: That was many years ago, I believe.
Winfield: It was.
Winfield: So in all matters before me tonight, I do not see the Exclusion by Distrust Law a factor at all. If the paladins are declared criminals of PaxOku, that is something the Mayor will have to explain to me of course, if it unbalances the statehood.
Phoenix: I see
Phoenix: thank you for the clarification on the Distrust Law
Winfield: And based on coming into this hearing, and on Mayor Nanoc's statements to me, I sensed a possibility of unbalancing the statehood. Therefore, I hear the decree versus PaxLair laws tonight and in the near future again.

Katherine: Two more brief questions for you, if I may Governor.
Winfield: Certainly.
Phoenix: *listens*

Katherine: Was there anything revealed in tonight's testimony that may be considered injustice?
Winfield: There may have been some things revealed tonight that some citizens may consider injustice.
Winfield: I will have to remember the conversations tonight and see if anything is considered injustice in some regard under other laws or decrees.
Katherine: *nods*
Winfield: But, I may not bring such things to trial of justice myself, perhaps. I can, but I would rather see citizens notice such statements or perceived statements of injustice and bring those cases to the PaxLair Court.

Winfield: Katherine, let me offer this for you to report as well.
Katherine: *listens*
Winfield: I am very interested in appointing a Head Justice of PaxLair Statehood. I have served at times as the judge of the criminal cases within PaxLair.
Winfield: I would rather that not be my duty as Governor.
Katherine: *nods*
Winfield: I would rather have an independent Justice hear and decide criminal cases.
Phoenix: Neurtrality
Phoenix: *grins*
Winfield: Of course, that Head Justice would need a lot of understanding of our laws. Right now, I rely on the cities to provide justice. Either by trial or by immediate justice.
Katherine: *nods*
Winfield: But if anyone thinks they can serve the Statehood as a Head Justice, they can talk to me.
Katherine: *smiles*
Winfield: *smiles*
Katherine: I shall pass on the word.
Winfield: Thank you.
Katherine: I must confess to some interest in that myself...
Winfield: It takes a person of unique quality and balance to be a Justice.
Katherine: I appreciate your time here, Governor.


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