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Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


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The Search for Ricardo Print
News - Quests
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 20 September 2006

TRINSIC, TRAMMEL AND BEYOND - September 20, 2006

The following journal from the high seas was received from Budswoman (DAGR):

The infamous Ricardo has once again elluded the officials of the royal guards. The Sheriff of Trinsic is turning towards shadier people to help bring down the theif once and for all. Thats were I, Budswman, come into the light of this mystery... I knew the Sheriff was in dire need of follow-ups and clues so i decided to put my pirate skills to work. After sailing from one town to another, spending endless hours of idle chit chat in taverns with, not your average citizens, I found out of a cave Ricardo may possibly be hiding in...


As i sailed to this location I decided to make a stop at our pirate island of Port Baldmor, to inform the rest of the crew. As I sailed into Harbor i noticed three blokes searching through our island haven. "Arr, yar best be looking for a cool draught at the tavern, otherwise best start making yer way back to yee ships." I said. The three men turned around to face me, and i noticed them all wearing matching royal navy uniforms. At this I thought the king had finally come to wage war on us pirates. This wasnt the case at all as it turned out, they too were in search of the Ricardo. I convinced them the best a dishonest pirate can convince an official that Ricardo was not being sheltered here. They seemed to beleive me but they still left a few ships docked by the port.

I forwarded the previous events to Commodore Holley, he told me to pick a few crew members and spread out through the realm searching each city. Our commodore may be stern, but he knew how to get a job done! I picked some of my closest crew mates and sent them off to start searching each city for shady landlubbers. As for me I decided to check this hide out i heard of. It was quite hard to find, but after some prowling along the mountain side i found his cave.  Arr the blast thing was guarded by yet another password though! Seemed like an old burnt tree was an entrance way to the cave too.

I departed from the cave and joined my crew in the search... After much of the day searching we ran into a young wench who started running from the site of us. She said she knew we were searching for information and that she would not give it up to us cutthroats. I thought she might be a lover of Ricardos' so we proceeded to beat the information from this wench....wasn't pretty. She gave up his password along with a few other secrets pretty fast. We finally gained entrance into the hide-out, but alas we must have been an hour too late for Ricardo and a few of his stolen goods were missing. We did however help ourselves to his left over treasures, *laughs whole heartedly* was quite a hull of treasures. After learning of these things we thought of maybe collecting yet some more gold. So, in exchange for his hide-out location and password we wanted gold from the Sheriff. He was abit stiff, but we wrestled a handful of silver from the old bloke. We did our part for the royal guards, and retired we did back home to Port Baldmor to enjoy our treasures and a mug of ale... Arrr!


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