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Seer Kristos Talks to People in PaxLair Print
News - 1999 News

PAXLAIR - June 3, 1999 - Winfield

Note Addendum at the bottom of this article

You see: Seer Kristos (invulnerable)
Seer Kristos: 6 months ago I...'awoke' in a strange city
Seer Kristos: I soon learned the city was known as Trinsic but I had no idea how I got there
Seer Kristos: In fact I had only one vague memory prior to that moment
Vladimere Payne: and what memory is that sir?
Seer Kristos: I was in a strange place, but I was not alone
Seer Kristos: something there...changed me
Luigi Aiello: Hmm
Seer Kristos: It is almost as if it were a dream
Seer Kristos: but I feel certain it was most real
Teal: Changed? How?
Amberyl: *chuckles*
Seer Kristos: Since I 'awoke' In trinsic
Teal: *grin*
Seer Kristos: I have explored this land seeking to learn all that I may
Seer Kristos: in hopes I may learn more of my past
Seer Kristos: Although I have seen many things and learned much
Amberyl: You have house north of Britain?
Seer Kristos: not certain Amberyl but it is funny that you ask that

Amberyl: friend, ask me find man known as Galen.
Amberyl: Me read somewhere something about you.
Amberyl: Me no remember though...
Amberyl: *scratches her head*
Pfredd Mudd: Galan lives near Moonglow
Winmere: Amberyl knows much Seer Kristos
Amberyl: Me have rememeber..
Winmere: At least, she used to. Until Rhydian got hold of her.
Amberyl: *chuckles insanely*
Luigi Aiello: So you still know nothing of your past Seer?
Seer Kristos: It seems fate has smiled upon me for while walking the road from Britain to yew
Seer Kristos: I came across a place that was....familiar
Amberyl: *stares for a moment at the seer*
Seer Kristos: In this place I found several books
Luigi Aiello: A house?
Luigi Aiello: Library?
Seer Kristos: The remains of a house yes
Winfield: Books? A library, old library perhaps?
Seer Kristos: Although the writing in the books was in a foreign tongue it too was familiar to me
Winfield: Are these books still there do you think?
Seer Kristos: Since then I have endeavoured to decipher the books
Vladimere Payne: Yes, Do you Possess the Books?
Seer Kristos: and i have almost completed my work
Winfield: *peaks his interest*
Seer Kristos: There was also a strange map among the writings
Teal: *sitting on the edge of my seat*
Winfield: *looks around for Ty Davage, the great map reader*
Luigi Aiello: A map of what?
Seer Kristos: it too was written in the stange tongue
Luigi Aiello: Ahh
Seer Kristos: A map of an island
Luigi Aiello: A treasure map perhaps?
Winfield: Orcish? Or perhaps Wisp language?
Vladimere Payne: Kristos, Sir do you Have these Items?
Seer Kristos: From what i have been able to decipher this map was very important
Seer Kristos: and it is very familiar to me
Seer Kristos: I am in hopes that it will shed some light on my past at last
Luigi Aiello: Maybe it is where you are from?
Seer Kristos: perhaps
TESHEHIA: Or, a way to go back.
Seer Kristos: unfortunately there is still much I do not know of this world
Seer Kristos: and the location is not familiar to me
Winfield: An island, lovely.
Winfield: *thinks about fishing pole*
Flagg: Its not a small world after all is it Seer?
Flagg: *smiles*
Teal: You could wear your new fishing hat!
Teal: *grin*
Winfield: *smiles*
Vladimere Payne: Sir, I have traveled most of this World, and Seen a great deal of Things
Seer Kristos: Tomorrow eve at 9 by the eastern sky
Vladimere Payne: If i can help you, i will.
Seer Kristos: I will make a copy of the map and bring it to the tower in Aryslan
Seer Kristos: Where I told a traveler early this eve i could be found
Winfield: *nods*
Count Strahd: *clears throat*
Count Strahd: do you need help?
Winfield: Aryslan is a wonderful town.
Flagg: Aye yes indeed
Seer Kristos: I would be most grateful for any help that any of you or those you know
Seer Kristos: can provide in leanring of my past
TESHEHIA: Aryslan, is where?
Flagg: West of Vesper i believe
Luigi Aiello: We shall endeavor to help in you in any way we can
Winfield: Aryslan is near Vesper, a rune in our mage tower takes you there.
Seer Kristos: Yes it is east of vesper
Seer Kristos: Near mazrims dark tower in fact
Winfield: Is there anything we might research between now and then for you?
Flagg: My brother philip has also lost his past
Count Strahd: i wish to forget mine
Vladimere Payne: Yes, Is there anything that we might do for you untill?
Flagg: He's quite ill he thinks hes someone else but doesnt know who......
Seer Kristos: Vladimere, I do not think so
Seer Kristos: i believe the map is the key
Count Strahd: to aryslan tomarro?
Seer Kristos: although to what I do not know
Vladimere Payne: I believe, we all are here for a reason..
TESHEHIA: i know of a lady , name is carlotta - she can read maps
Vladimere Payne: But, If you do Find this Knowledge..What will you do with it?
Seer Kristos: I would appreciate the help of any who are willing
Seer Kristos: in unraveling the mystery of the map
Winfield: I am willing Kristos.
Teal: As am I.
Seer Kristos: Thank you
Count Strahd: i wish to try also if you dont mind the help
Winfield: To lose one's past is like to lose one's memory of life.
Vladimere Payne: Include me Sir.
Amberyl: Moo?
Gayde Rylock: Moo?
Amberyl: goat woman?
Amberyl: Me goat woman.
Amberyl: Moo!
Amberyl: Baaaa!
Seer Kristos: Many thanks
Vladimere Payne: I'll bring my friends too sir..
Amberyl: Me find dark path.
Amberyl: O! Oh!
Amberyl: You drink!?
Amberyl: *shoves a cider bottle to him*
Seer Kristos: I do not seem to require food
Amberyl: Drink!
Amberyl: *pouts*
Amberyl: Baaa!
Amberyl: Me cow woman!
Seer Kristos: I must finish my preparation for tomorrow eve
Gayde Rylock: *hic*
Vladimere Payne: where should we go?
Amberyl: What tomorrow?
Amberyl: *scratches head*
Amberyl: Me miss something?
Count Strahd: seer
Luigi Aiello: Thank you for stopping by Seer
Amberyl: *curses*
Amberyl: Oh well.
Seer Kristos: With luck soon my search will be at an end
Luigi Aiello: Let's hope so
Amberyl: Me find goat shoes later.
Luigi Aiello: I wish you luck
Pfredd Mudd: Best of luck Sir
Seer Kristos: Thank you all
Winmere: Thank you Seer
Seer Kristos: Farewell for now
Gayde Rylock: Farewell Seer.
Seer Kristos: I hope to see you tomorrow eve
Seer Kristos: At the tower In Aryslan
Amberyl: *shudders*
Amberyl: Too close to Rhydian's lab!
Amberyl: Me NO go!
ViRuS: i shall be there
Seer Kristos: at 9 by the eastern sky
Amberyl: And Mazrim too!
Count Strahd: i cant read a map that well
Seer Kristos: mazrim..... i hold that one responsible for Daemeon's Fate
Seer Kristos: *eyes narrow*
Amberyl: My Master try ally with ugly dead man.
Amberyl: Is he dead?
Amberyl: *scratches her head*
Amberyl: *tries to concentrate but fails*
Winmere: *nods*
Amberyl: Ooohh..
Amberyl: you mean green thing.
Amberyl: *sticks out her tongue*
Winmere: Aye the faded robes
Amberyl: You no hurt my Master's friends!
Winfield: *holds the staff with reverence and respect to Daemeon*
You see: Staff of Seer Daemeon
Amberyl: My Master take robe and make you die!
Amberyl: You no more!
Amberyl: You then be like Ugly Other Green Thingy.
Winmere: Doubtful Lady Amberyl.
Amberyl: One who die to make pond out front ugly.
Amberyl: The ugly pond..
Amberyl: *thinks*
Winmere: The pond is lovely now.
Amberyl: Pond dank, smelly.
Amberyl: Like Demon man.
Seer Kristos: There is much I do not know but mark my words
Seer Kristos: I will walk this land long after mazrim is but a dream....
Winfield: *claps at the seer's words*
Teal: *applauds*
Amberyl: Me live a dream!
Amberyl: I had this nice dream.
Amberyl: Me flying.
Amberyl: I fly over town and be shot at.
Amberyl: Arrow shoot me and I fall.
Seer Kristos: Farewell for now
Seer Kristos: Kal Ort Por
Teal: Farewell!
Luigi Aiello: Farewell
Winmere: Farewell Kristos
Winfield: *waves to the seer*

Addendum: Later that eve, I met Seer Kristos again and asked him how his translations were going; he said not so well. It would probably take him a little longer than planned, but he should have things ready at 10PM by the eastern sky in Aryslan, instead of 9PM. We will do all we can for the good Seer Kristos and help him in Aryslan. (Winfield)



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