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Pair suspected of crimes in PaxOku escape. Print
News - Quests
Written by Tatania Karthina   
Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Deputy Charity Di Shante dreams of putting

Justine De Fargo behind bars

During a long evening of a game of "cat and mouse" with PaxOku's most Notorious Criminals, work was sped up on the new PaxLair Hall of Justice in Malas.

"We must finish the construction of this secure facility so we'll have a place to jail Orin Lightenburg and Justine De Fargo when we catch them again", stated Charity De Shante of the PaxLair Constables [PaxC] .

"The new PaxLair Hall of Justice will include the Constables Office, an Interogation room, jail cells, a Courtroom as well as living quarters on the top floors.  We hope it serves the PaxLair Community well in coming years.", Sherlock Holmes of the PaxLair Constables [PaxC] added.

Last evening [Wednesday January 25th, 2006], Justine De Fargo got the message to come pick up her check from the Auction House for an item she had sold.  Viceroy Gareth detained Justine and called the guards in PaxOku.  After lengthy questioning,   it was determined that Justine had stolen the helmet and put it in the auction. 

Justine was being held in the PaxLair Knights/Paladins of Virtue PaxOku Keep, when Orin Lightenburg showed up and helped her flee.  The pair were finally cornered at Minoc bank.  Guards at the door blocking any escape,  the pair were shackled to prevent escape again.

In a bold move, Orin, the First son of PaxOku freed himself from his chains and Justine as well before holding a dagger up to Miss Kayi's throat and demanding the guards move from in front of the door.  Justine used the momentary chaos to open a gate to the jungles near Trinsic for their escape. 

Although there was a frantic chase to recapture the troublesome duo,   they managed to make their escape and their whereabouts are unknown. Sherlock Holmes and his deputy Detective Charity Di Shante,   both of The PaxLair Constables [PaxC] gathered evidence throughout the evening and reported to Mayor later in the evening at the Knight's and Paladin's Keep in PaxOku.

Evidence for the following charges was reported to the Mayor: A set of books called the "Books of Truth" were found to be missing from Minister Jasper's Office in PaxOku, a set of the same books were found in Justine's pack and another set had been sold to Neo of Lothlore from a man who stated he bought them from a red haired girl. 

Defense Minister Elijah Cross remembered that it was Justine who had knocked him out in Jasper's home and blood from the scene is being analyzed.  The assumption was made that Justine was stealing her Uncle's books when Elijah happened upon her. Neo of Lothlore was heard exclaiming when his books were taken for evidence, "The best read of 355 interrupted by crime!"

Miss Kayi [PB] admitted to the investigators that Justine told her before the Auction that the Ancient Samurai Helmet was "hot", meaning that it was stolen.   Viceroy Gareth placed Miss Kayi under house arrest for receiving and selling stolen goods.

Justine had three checks seized during her incarceration, totaling nearly a million gold.  Orin Lightenburg's only charge thus far seems to be aiding Justine De Fargo to escape. 

Questions concerning Viceroy Gareth Lightenburg's involvement was questioned as he had arrested Miss Kayi for a minor offense while allowing his son Orin and Justine to escape for crimes much worse.

Mayor Winfield made the following decisions concerning the case:

"First of all, I do not wish to interfere with a specific PaxOku situation, however, there are some inconsistent decisions possibly by Viceroy Gareth given the evidence," stated the Mayor.

He continued, "So First, search for Minister Jasper. Get information from him. Second, I am concerned about potential crimes in other PaxLair cities. So I issue arrest warrants for Orin and Justine based on this testimony. Continue your analysis of the crime scene in Jasper's house. Gather more evidence. Get a complete statement from Minister Elijah Cross."

"Third," The Mayor said, "with respect to Viceroy Gareth, have him report to Acting Mayor King Id in the coming days. King Id is the acting mayor right now, as I am packing for my trip. Have Viceroy Gareth explain his decisions to King Id. Tell King Id this.  He is to question Viceroy Gareth on his decisions. If King Id suspects anything amiss in Viceroy Gareth's decisions, he [King Id] has my authority to monitor Gareth closely with all detectives."

"Gather more evidence and surveillance." He continued, "I will not let King Id restrict Gareth's authority though unless absolutely necessary. If King Id believes Gareth is involved in criminal activities with sufficient evidence, he may arrest Viceroy Gareth and hold Gareth until my return. That is an extreme case of course, so the evidence best be good."

"And do try to find Jasper", the mayor finished his instructions to the Constables and Citizens alike.

Winfield  issues arrest warrents

for Orin and Justine Wednesday Night

Further investigation found Viceroy Gareth's office in the Blue Light Tavern cleaned out as well as the PaxOku treasury. This report leaves some rather puzzling questions and problems for the PaxLair Community.  Where is Orin and Justine hiding from the law at, What's happened to Minister jasper and why did Gareth obviously leave PaxOku in such a rush?

Reporting from PaxOku, this is Tatania Karthina of the PaxLair Times.

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