(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
A Role-playing Community of Several Cities with a Working Virtual Government! (Learn More...)
Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


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PaxVallum, Felucca Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Sunday, 28 August 2005

Welcome to PaxVallum!!
"The Peace Fortress"

NOTE: PaxVallum has been transfered outside of PaxLair. The information below is "historical information" about the old PaxVallum location.  In time, PaxLair will establish a new PaxVallum location.

PaxVallum Outpost, established August 28, 2005 by Snowlock of the Paladins of Virtue [PV], is a frontier outpost on Felucca just north of Minoc.  PaxVallum defends the High Steppes against villains and rogues who plague the peaceful people of the area.  The Keep is the central area of PaxVallum and is noted for its fine ales, exceptional blacksmith shop, and supplies for the traveler.

Lore and legend reveal the High Steppes can be a very bloody place of battle.  Paladins of Virtue patrol the area bringing order to a once disordered area.

Visit PaxVallum often when in the area and meet the Paladins of Virtue.  Those of good nature are welcome.  Those who are evil, well, the Paladins will try to mend your ways.

PaxVallum, September 12, 2005


PaxVallum Outpost, Felucca (North of Minoc)
(August 28, 2005)


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