(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
A Role-playing Community of Several Cities with a Working Virtual Government! (Learn More...)
Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


Port Baldmor

PaxLair City

Dragons Watch


UO Stratics
Shard News

PaxLair to Greet Sunta Clompz (Orcmas Party!) Print

Well it's that time of year again, you know... when Orcs make fruitcake out of kobolds, cook festive horzie stew, chew on bone harvesters like they're candy canes, and hang humies like stockings from the mantlepiece!

It's Orcmas!!!

This Monday, December the 20th, the City of PaxLair is hosting their annual Orcmas party at the Olag Hai Orc Fort in Felucca, at 9pm EST!

PaxLair Orcmas Party 

Announced by Neo of Lothlore (December 17, 2004)


Well it's that time of year again, you know... when Orcs make fruitcake out of kobolds, cook festive horzie stew, chew on bone harvesters like they're candy canes, and hang humies like stockings from the mantlepiece! It's Orcmas!!!


This Monday, December the 20th, the City of PaxLair is hosting their annual Orcmas party at the Olag Hai Orc Fort in Felucca, at 9pm EST!


There will be all the usual refreshments (bluudale), orcmas songs, gifts for everyone from both Santa Claus and Sunta Clompz and a gifts exchange (all who want to exchange gifts bring someone worth 5K or less in a bag, and we'll exchange 'em), plus a fun Orcish event for everyone to participate in.


The event will be in Felucca, at the GM blessed Orc Fort and nearby safe Orc House owned by Ig'glu, just a short run east of PaxLair. Some protection will be provided, but since the event's in Felucca and for those who don't visit Fel often, we encourage you to come and advise leaving all valuables in the bank and coming in a colored death robe!


There's even word that Old Man Winfield will come dressed as Sant... err, the real guy!! He's really real! See you all there, and Habbi Orcmas from the Orcs.

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