(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
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Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


Port Baldmor

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Red Dagger Pirates

Port Baldmor Citizens

BudsWoman [DAGR] Print

Race-Gender: Undead Elf-female

Alignment: Neutral/Evil

Position(s): Deputy Viceroy of Port Baldmor

Guild: Red Daggar Pirates - DAGR 

Portrait and Skills: Here

Age: 32 years

Biography: Budswoman was a Fair Maiden a Generation ago but tragedy struck when her husband was struck down by the Kings Navy for Treason. She grieved till the pain became unbearable and was gonna take her life, but then she met a being and he offered her the power to claim revenge on the sailors. So she made a pact with those better not mentioned to get power to take her vengangence.

So she started seducing and killing King's royal sailors wherever she could.  Until Tragedy struck one day while traveling across the ocean the Navy caught her and destroyed her ship and killed the crew. When they finally subdued her they tied her to 2 planks in a cross pattern and threw her in the water where she floated for days burnig underneath the sun for days till she washed up on a mostly deserted island and was rescued By Kerrs Holley. He was the only human not to flinch from my true form. I was too weak to keep the glamour up but he looked at me with pity and said were all monster in one way or another.  During her Recovery he told stories of his pirates raidin the kings navy I was impressed for this mortal had swore revenge on the king.

So I decided to join his ranks and have been riding the seas looting and burning The kings ships... Faithfully For (DAGR) And my commodore.......Always searching.....No rest...

Last Updated ( Monday, 01 January 2007 )
Kerrs Holley [DAGR] Print

Race-Gender: Human-male

Alignment: Neutral

Position(s): Viceroy of Port Baldmor and Leader of the Red Dagger Pirates.

Guild: Red Daggar Pirates - DAGR 

Portrait and Skills: Here

Age: 32 years

Biography: Kerrs Holley grew up by the harbor of Trinsic, and as a young lad started his career as an urchin cutting money pouches from unweary travelers. After getting caught thieving, he was sent as a slave to work aboard ships as a rower and rat catcher. After three years of slavery Kerrs finally escaped in a pirate raid and joined the band of cutthroats as a sailor. Building up his fortune, he left the pirates who rescued him to start his own band of sailors. Some years passed until the Red Dagger Pirates emerged as one of the more well known pirates to sail the Sosarian Seas!

Last Updated ( Monday, 01 January 2007 )
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