(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
A Role-playing Community of Several Cities with a Working Virtual Government! (Learn More...)
Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


Port Baldmor

PaxLair City

Dragons Watch


UO Stratics
Shard News

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Friends of PaxLair

P|B - Pact of Benevolence (family of friends) Print
Written by Kayi   

The Pact of Benevolence doesn't just enjoy role-playing with PaxLair and other Alliance members, but it is also a very close net of really good friends that are just like Family. P|B does different things from hunting, role-playing, training, crafting, meetings and/or just helping someone out that needs it. Were always there for one another like family!  P|B resigned from citizenship with PaxOku on December 1, 2006.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 03 December 2006 )
RBG - Royal Britannian Guards (role-play & comraderie) Print
Written by Nevyn D'Wyooren   

The Royal Britannian Guards [RBG] is a friend of PaxLair and is an organized association of people who love to role-play and enjoy interaction in the lands of Ultima Online. Inspired by the Commander of the Royal Britannian Guard, Myrina Heron, the guild brings people who wish to be Royal Guards together in the Chesapeake Shard. It is a simple way to unite the Royal Guards and people who wish to be them.  SEE "RBG" GUILD SKY PAGE

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 July 2006 )
UORadio (Great Music, Great Shows) Print
Written by Viceroy   

UO Radio is an internet-based radio station dedicated to the players of Ultima Online who share a passion for both great music and the online game we all know as Ultima Online. Here at UO Radio you will not only hear great music from all over the world but will also receive news updates with regards to Ultima Online as they come in. In addition to this, we think you'll want to tune in for some exciting interviews with special guests within the Ultima Online community as well as participate in our DJ Talk Shows in which we will be discussing all types of things from A - Z. We hope you'll not only tune in for this exciting experience with us but we also hope you'll be sure to tell your friends and family about UORadio.  SEE UORADIO SKY PAGELISTEN TO UORADIO NOW!

Last Updated ( Friday, 07 July 2006 )
UOSS - Ultima Online Strategy and Statistics Guild (everything Chesapeake) Print
Written by Terence Duff   

Ultima Online Strategy and Statistics Guild [UOSS] is the official guild for all Chesapeake Stratics Staff.  UO Stratics is a well-known Ultima information and news site with a category for 'everything Chesapeake'.  The UOSS guild is primarily used by reporter staff so that they are easily identifiable by other players in game.  Visit for Chesapeake News!

Last Updated ( Monday, 10 July 2006 )
UTB - United Tamers of Britannia Print
Written by Trinity North   

The United Tamers of Britannia [UTB] is an ancient order of animal tamers that are allied with Paxlair. The guild is well known for their love of hunting and their generosity. Assisted by her emissaries, the guild mistress Trinity North sets an example for the guild with her strong leadership and her love for the art of taming. UTB is a haven for any tamer searching for friendship or guidance.  SEE THE "UTB" SKY BOARD.

Last Updated ( Monday, 10 July 2006 )
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