August 11, 1999 (Winfield)


PaxLair Event to Honor Counselors

A Huge Event to Show the Shard's Thanks to the Counselors!!

Monday, August 16, 1999
at 9 in the evening by the Eastern Sky
in PaxLair, Chesapeake


Party at the PaxLair Cafe

To take place at the PaxLair Cafe and throughout the town!!

It is with great enthusiasm PaxLair hosts a GRAND PARTY for the Counselors of Britannia. The Counselors do so much for everyone within the realm on a moment's notice. We wish to offer this event to the Counselors and all people to show our thanks to the Counselors' outstanding commitment and self-sacrifice to help us all.

The Counselors help the new person as well as the old to find their way in a realm of magic, mystery, and adventure:


A Counselor Aiding a New Person
A Counselor Aiding a New Person

The Counselors have fun with great team spirit, good cheer, and playfulness:


Counselors Taking a Bath
Counselors Taking a Bath a Few Weeks Ago

The Counselors hold weddings for people on the Shard for all to participate:


Counselors Perform Wedding in LB Castle
Counselors Perform Wedding in LB Castle


This Festival will be a chance to talk to the Counselors and others of Britannia in a peaceful and neutral environment which all may attend. There are no specific events planned except a few ceremonies at 10 in the evening by the eastern sky. The party starts at 9 in the eve so don't be late. This time is for all people to relax and enjoy the company of those who dedicate their personal time and efforts for everyone.

We welcome everyone to PaxLair and we welcome the Counselors to a day for their honor!

Mayor Winfield

[Party: Monday, August 16, 9PM Eastern U.S. in PaxLair, Chesapeake]



PaxLair is a Player Town on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.
PaxLair is a peaceful, neutral town dedicated to roleplaying and open to all.
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