July 17, 1999 (Lisa of LaFrance)


Have the Drow and Orcs Joined Forces?


Attack of the Innocents of PaxLair


As I returned to PaxLair in anticipation of a Tower wedding, after spending much time at the great auction, I soon found myself in a dismaying situation. I had just landed in front of the Mage Tower, soon after Mayor Winfield joined me. As we spoke just a few words, an army appeared and started an attack. Mayor Winfield barely escaped as I was sending my spell of healing in his direction. Soon I found I had become the next target.

As news of the battle spread to the Innocents of PaxLair, many turned out only to fall to the army. You may ask who was this army?--Razillian, better known as the leader of the Xun Verin, Human of the Drow, and his army, along with Murbog and his followers, the Snub'Gruk Clan of orcs. Have the two armies joined. Well I believe it has come to pass.

As each PaxLair defender was slain, more came. Not as a joint effort which may have been their downfall. The army of Drow and Orc were slain. The battle was a good one, both sides with losses and gains. And there were the normal thieves who prey upon the dead, looting and thieving from others' misfortunes.

The battle concluded and the Orc and Drow left the town of PaxLair. There was stunned disbelief upon the faces of those left standing. Many asked the question of will this army return for yet another battle.Well I would say only time will tell.

After the town settled, Mayor Winfield returned after treating his wounds, to find many asking him questions of what just happened. He gathered his strength and a few trusted friends and headed to the Fort of the Orc.

Upon arriving, he was faced with many Orc and the Drow, as they sat treating their wounded. As they were working, they were discussing the battle they had just left. Or were they discussing future plans?

Mayor Winfield's paid 100 gold for entry of his party into the fort and cast an expression which showed much disbelief. He saw that infact the Xun Verin and Snub'Gruk Clan were joined as a force of strength. His confusion as to why the Orcs, who from time-to-time lived in peace with PaxLair, had now declared battle upon the Innocents of PaxLair. Without fear he stepped up and asked Murbog why he had turned his back on his neighbors and joined the ranks with the Drow.

Murbog's reply was "Yub", and that they were to take back the lands that were once the Orc's lands; to take them back from those who had taken the lands from them. He also confirmed that he and Razillian of the Xun Verin had indeed joined forces. They work together to acquire the lands and many more things yet to come.

Mayor Winfield said that the land was not Orc land and required the Orcs to provide proof of such claims, and also to set a meeting to view this said proof. The Mayor then turned on his heel, opened a magical gate, and left the fort.

After Mayor Winfield's departure, many PaxLair warriors and innocents raided the Fort and attacked the Orc, trapped as they were, many fell. The warriors quickly returned to the Mage Tower followed closely by the Orcs, they stood at the doors and banned any that came close to the Tower. Were the warriors afraid to fight one on one, or have the Orc/Drow made it clear that they are a force to be not taken lightly?

Mayor Winfield stated at the Tower he was unaware of the plans of the innocents and warriors to raid the orc fort just after his departure. He sighed at such bloodshed, but knew the townsfolk were mighty upset at the recent attack.


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