May 31, 1999 (Jhym [extracted from UOChes News])


Quest Update


The mage Cattica, it seems, has asked for her ingredients, giving the list to Aurora of the Ladies of the Lair. Aurora, who seeks her parents, was told to gather the ingredients in order to further her seeking, before Tuesday night. At first, she was despondent, as some of the ingredients seemed unfindable, particularly one 'tears of the lady of the wood'.

As the night went on, the bard Jhym came by town and sung a song he'd just written, the 'Oracle of the Forest'. In the song, that line became significant to Aurora, causing her to jump up and gather her things for the journey to the site mentioned. A small group of adventurers joined her, as well as several knights from Paxlair and her sisters of the Lair.

After a search through the areas mentioned in the song, the group finally came across several druids tending some flowers. Aurora began speaking with them to try to speak to the Forest Oracle, hoping she would answer her questions. I was unable to hear the full conversation, but I gathered they went to see if the Oracle would hear her questions, as the group gated back to Paxlair to rest and ponder.

Aurora will most likely try to see the Oracle again tonight.


PaxLair is a Player Town on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.
PaxLair is a peaceful, neutral town dedicated to roleplaying and open to all.