May 26, 1999 (Pfredd Mudd [extracted from UOSS News])


A Possible Reunion? [Aurora of Ladies of the Lair]


A pigeon showed up on my doorstep, with a tattered piece of paper hastily tied to it's leg. On the paper was scrawled the following note:

Aurora, my love,

Many are the days I have searched for you! I was in Britain most recently and a man told me that he had seen you in the temple of the Terethans, praying. Though I found this a bit odd, I decided to journey to the temple in hopes of reuniting with you!

Woe is me for ever setting foot near that horrible place. In case you have never seen one, a terethan is what you get when you cross a dread spider and a human, multiply that by 1000 and you will know what a sight I beheld upon entering their abode, I made my way up to the very center of the temple, to where you were supposedly praying, only to find a group of Terethan Matriarchs waiting for me. Without even making a sound they cast several enchantations at me and, before I could run, I was dead!

After that I dragged my self to an inn in Delucia, I was almost convinced that I would never see you again. After reading about your wonderful time in PaxLair I am starting to feel useless and have recently bought out all of the ale at the inn, after drinking most of it I stumbled through the town drunk and begging for change. I have now sobered up and am determinded to find you once more!


Please make sure that this letter reaches the arms of my lovely Aurora. I am traveling to Paxlair as we speak, but I am going to have to make camp for the night. I am currently held up in a guard outpost setting up my camp. I am going to reach PaxLair tommorow if it kills me!

You may recall that we recently reported that Aurora has taken up employment and residence in the Lady of the Lair tavern, in PaxLair. I went to PaxLair to deliver the good news in person, but Aurora was nowhere to be found. I can only hope she reads this, and we shall soon have a joyous reunion!


PaxLair is a Player Town on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.
PaxLair is a peaceful, neutral town dedicated to roleplaying and open to all.