May 23, 1999 (Cyndra Kolthos [extracted from UOChes News])


Ladies of the Lair Grand Opening: Results


To all attending "The Ladies of the Lair" grand opening, (estimates around 60 or more) we can never thank you enough for attending. The event was on the scale of "Grand" and was most rewarding for the Ladies to entertain so many guests. We are very proud of how the event went and that each and everyone of you came.

We are especially proud of "Merry" for he truely showed us all what "Honor" and "Virtue" mean. "Merry" won the "Kill the Ugly Wench" (Daemon) contest with the fastest kill time of 10 seconds!


Fighting the Ugly Wench

Approximately 10 people dared to face the Ugly Wench, Some of the more Notable battles with the wench included Corum Of Dragon Claw , Wind , Gandalf and Dolly ...these contestants showed what truely the event was all about. The Second place contestant of the Event was WhitE WolF , Archwizard of Pax .(13 seconds *wonders about lag* ) When the Prizes were awarded for the winner of the "Kill the Ugly Wench contest , "Merry" truely was NOBLE in donating the 5000 gold to Gandalf who had his Verite Armour looted by the only bad person at the event. "Merry" then asked that the 100 of every reagent and the Silver Broadsword of Power be donated to "The Ladies of the Lair" for having such a "Grand" event. The Sword will be displayed at the Tavern of the Ladies of the Lair and will never have even been used to do battle even once. There will be a rune locked down next to it with a dedication to "Merry" inscribed on it to show others what true Nobleness can be found in Sosaria and Paxlair!

We would also like to thank "Vail the Cook" for catering our event he does a wonderful job and is very cordial also. With all the fine "Guest" and the multitude of "gifts" brought by so many that we could cannot mention all their names. For this i am truly sorry:(.

The new miner town of "Mistron's mining camp" was a great help in providing many needed items to help our event. It truely shows to everyone that Paxlair's beliefs and "The Ladies of the Lair" are strong and will live on long past most of our lives!

This event was truely a "Toast to Paxlair" and very much goes to show that Paxlair and its citizens are stronger then ever!

Thank you all for attending! I am sure we will be having more events very soon!

Winners of the Events:
Best Role Player = Sak'Tug the Orc = Small House Deed
Best Romantic = Adon The Beefy = Ranger Armour
Best Dressed Male = Petrifax = Full Set GM Verite (Green) Plate
Best Dressed Female = Anastatia (she needs to claim her prize!) = Full Set GM Female Rose Plate
Kill the Ugly Wench = Merry = 5000 gold, 100 of every reagent and a Silver Broadsword of Power (winning time : 10 seconds)


PaxLair is a Player Town on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.
PaxLair is a peaceful, neutral town dedicated to roleplaying and open to all.