May 17, 1999 (Tycho) 


The Flying Suit is Still Missing!


The Flying Suit made by Arilyn Moonblade
The Flying Suit (as last seen)

After over a week of searching, Tycho Veg's flying suit is still missing and is presumed stolen by person or persons unknown.  The flying suit is a specially designed outfit, crafted by Arilyn Moonblade (see the painting above), needed before Tycho can take his flying machine out for its first flight.  Tycho's assistant Olin Bardweedle last saw the suit while displaying the invention at the Tinker's Guild in Trinsic.  After he unpacked the crates back in Pax, he discovered that the suit was missing.  From questioning by Christopher Wren and others, we know the following:


The Flying Machine

  • The suit was on display with the flying machine in the Tinker's Guild of Trinsic.  At the end of the last day, Olin packed everything into crates, set the crates inside the guild, and locked the doors as he left.  He was the last person to leave the guild, though there are several people with keys, such as the guildmasters themselves.  Olin then left to have dinner and socialize with friends for the evening.
  • Olin returned in the morning, loaded the crates onto the pack horses, and set off for PaxLair.  He traveled to Britain, then northeast through the swamps, finally turning west at the crossroads, past the desert and into Pax.  Once in Pax, he unloaded the crates, but didn't unpack them till later.  When he did, he discovered the flying suit was missing.
  • Along the way, Olin shared a camp with a man named Jurgen, who was on his way to Minoc.  Olin told Jurgen about the flying machine and suit, but didn't unpack them.  Jurgen told stories like a bard although he couldn't sing. Olin and Jurgen also talked about sailing and fishing.  Christopher Wren and Woodsman have looked all over Minoc, including the miners camp, with no success.  Others have also failed to find Jurgen.  It is possible that he has already set sail for parts unknown and can no longer be found.
  • After some prodding by Stormchaser, Olin did remember a fellow in Trinsic who was quite a nuisance--always asking for things, gold in particular.  He was often lurking about the Guildhall late in the evenings, but Olin doesn't know his name.  It's possible that he saw something, or could in fact be involved in the disappearance.  No one has located this person either.
  • At this point, it seems certain that the flying suit has been stolen --- Olin and Tycho both have searched the lab above the chapel where the flying machine is on display.  So the question becomes who stole it and why?  The suit has no value to anyone besides Tycho, so even if Jurgen (or someone else) took it, they couldn't simply sell it.  There must be someone with a reason to steal the suit.  Tycho has these suspects so far:
    • The Vampires of CoV: a ghoul did once force Olin to give her an important part of the flying machine.  She then destroyed the part.  Perhaps they want to sabotage Tycho's invention.
    • The Orcs: one orc (Ruglug) killed Tycho, apparently at the request of some woman (the orc won't tell who).  They may also have been hired to steal the flying suit.
    • The Death Knights (in particular Rhydian): Rhydian has tried to burn down the lab before, and has threatened Olin and the flying machine.  Certainly stealing the suit would be in keeping with the Lord of Destruction's behavior in the past.
  • Any information regarding the flying suit would be most appreciated.  Anyone wishing to help search is encouraged to speak with Olin or Tycho, who can usually be found in PaxLair.


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