April 12, 1999 (Winfield)


Resident PaxLair Evil (PxE) Established

On this day after a meeting of the PaxLair Knights, Guards, Citizens, and Visitors of PaxLair, PaxLair established a resident evil group within the boundaries of the PaxLair town. This group, PxE, is destined to be a balancing force within PaxLair with the Knights (PxK) as good and the Guards (PxG) as neutral. The new group, led by Azure Drake, received a guildstone in the PaxLair Inn from Mayor Winfield. PxE is for evil [roleplaying]. This framework should lead to many events, quests, and respectable cooperation between people. Please welcome the Evil folks.


Meeting to Discuss the Evil of PaxLair


PaxLair is a Player Town on the Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online.
PaxLair is a peaceful, neutral town dedicated to roleplaying and open to all.