December 17th


FeluccaDark Forces Overcome the Heroes!   

Submitted by Quest Center News:
They were ready for us. As he heroes approached the large brick house, they spotted the Wraiths standing at the door. The Wraiths were already casting before we realized we were at the right place. The battle was already going when I noticed several horses blocking the door. As the brave, headstrong warriors charged to their deaths, it was apparent that we had been outsmarted. The strategy became clear as several vampires and ghouls on horseback closed in from the East. It had been a trap all along! What was worse was the ramifications of two powerful evil groups combining forces. The Heroes never stood a chance. As Drake Marsten fought, he couldn't help but admire the military tactics of the enemy. He vowed to himself that if he could somehow live through this horror, he would train and organize a group of men, with them he could defeat these soulless creatures.

Corran Horn stayed close to Gwen in the main part of the battle. He thought himself silly because here he was, trying to come to the defense of a woman who had many times proved to be a superior warrior. Still, he felt he should protect her.

His mind rushed back to the beginning of this quest, trying to make sense of it all. It had started when he got word from his friend Don Martin that Crystal Rose had fallen ill because of some evil curse. He didn't once hesitate, dropping the things he was doing, he headed for the Quest Center. Surely Lion would understand.

When he got there, Crystal was near death. Eli and Drake were by her side discussing the Witches of Cove. Just as they readied themselves to seek out the witches, hundreds of skeletal Warriors descended upon the town of PaxLair. Though the Heroes beat them, Eli had said this was a bad omen. It took some time to find the Witches. Don noted several mistakes we made. The witches do not like crowds, weapons, horses, or music. We had all of it, yet they did help us. We had to first prove our valor and dedication by solving small quests. The answer to the first riddle was 'fish' we went to the place directed by the witches and discovered a fisherman. Flux Warhammer was the first to offer the man ale for his magic fish. The answer to the second was 'time.' We found a clock shop run by the Orc War Boss, Gristle and his clansmen. Ale wasn't going to do it for these guys, Gristle wanted hard cash. After a bit of bargaining, we gave the 1000 gold pieces for the item. The last was candelabra, this took us to the large brick house where the Heroes had all but lost.

In the midst of battle, the ghouls barely noticed their fellow ghoul Tyrion as he rushed inside and retrieved the box. He had trained with them and knew their tactics. He was only there for a second, and then he was gone. By the time the Villains and the heroes realized it, Tyrion was back in Cove handing the prize to the Witches. We had won, but we had lost. Those of us left went back to Cove to tell the witches we didn't get the box. The box was on the table when we got there. We had earned the respect and trust of the Witches of Cove and proved our worth. They sent us to find the Crone of Wisdom, Matron Serenity, and Maiden of Virtue. When we arrived we found a waterfall and a lady on a horse. She said that we must choose a champion to fight her to prove our Valor. Reluctantly Drake Marsten agreed to fight this woman. He soon found out that she was no ordinary woman. Just as he thought he couldn't fight anymore, she yielded. Drake had proved himself and the three Ladies came from within the waterfalls.

Quickly we went back to Pax to save Crystal. Drake placed the items and held a ceremony. The cheers could be heard for miles around as Crystal recovered and was returned to her loved ones. Many towns people came to wish her well. Though still weak, she made it out to the patio to see all the well-wishers. In the crowd was a Wraith that did not wish her so well......

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