December 13th


Is Famine Upon Us?

Submitted by Zog the Fishmonger:


Fer those of ye who know not of Zog, I ken tell ye I am but a humble fishmonger. I drinks me rum and Kill sea-beasts. Tis a simple life I lead on the Deeps of our Sosarian Oceans, sailing out of my home port in the Village of Humility. As a fisherman, I visit many of the port cities in Sosaria, and the news I am passing along is grave.

All citizens of Feluccian Sosaria are in peril - the peril of agonizing death by starvation, and other such things as arise from famine in the lands. Scuttlebut in in the towns is that the granaries are empty, the reserves depleted, that food to feed our citizens is becoming hard to come by.

I took a journey overland last week, to confront the Mayor of Paxlair, and ask him if he could verify these rumors or end them. Winfield confirmed that shortfalls were indeed the case. Now I see an outbreak of plague in Haven or some such place - I see warfare rampant upon our desolate lands, trees stripped of foliage, fields of crops rotting, our tradesmen and craftsmen fled to an unholy land. We are dying, but none has realized it yet. I once heard tell of a tale about a frog thrown into a boiling pot of water, that jumped out when scalded. I heard that the same frog was put in a pot of cold water, with the water slowly heated. The frog died not realizing how rapidly the heat was rising as he kept trying to adapt to it - in the end it was too late.

Famine is here. You have fishsteaks you say? 50,000 of them? What will you do when the mob breaks down your door to loot your supplies?. Will you finally honor the lone baker of your town when it is too late and the flour is gone?. We must act now to ensure that everyone survives the winter!.

Though the lands are desolate, the seas are still giving. Most of my fellow fishermen have fled to the unholy lands, and the seas are rife with murderous brigands. Though it be perilous, if you would be of good heart and help your fellows of felucca, a caravan of any foodstuffs will be departing from Scara Brae and journeying overland to Paxlair on 12/20. Farmers who have raised a crop are welcome. Fishsteaks are welcome. Herdsmen who can drive livestock are welcome. Monks bearing ales or wines are welcome to help keep paxlair as a central dispersal point for any requiring foodstuffs.

I once heard that all someone wanted to do was bake. Well, bake then and keep people alive!.

And who will keep this caravan safe from the depredations of Brigands? The assault of starving orcs, of werecreatures and vampires?...

I only hope that the noble of heart will come to provide via this caravan and protect it to ensure its safe arrival. If we do not start making an effort now, the end is certain.

For those of you of kind heart and good will, the caravan shall depart the ferry headland of Scara Brae on 12/20 at 8pm. Give an hour of your time to help those doomed at present to die.


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