November 23rd

FeluccaWhat is a Community?   

Submitted by Korin the Scribe:

I have often thought of this question. And have received many answers from many people on what they think it means. I would like to share with you now what I think a community is. A community is a gathering of people who share and work toward a common goal or idea. No matter what that idea is. Be it better education for their children, safer streets to walk on at night, more and better paying jobs, or just general improvement of the quality of life for all. Each community, even if you don't think you are directly involved in it, cannot exist without you.

Since the beginning of our race we have gathered in groups. Out of protection and mutual need at first but later it became perhaps the single most important thing in a human being's mind. To belong to something, to know that you are a part of a greater whole and are not alone in your ideas and thoughts. This is what a community is. So even if you don't think you belong to your community you do. By your very being there, your interaction with others, you contribute to the whole. Even the simple act of just saying "Hi" to someone places you in that community. You don't have to be the President of the United States or a world leader or in any such position. All that matters is that you are there.

Now let me speak on this game that has so consumed us. For here we are a community to. All of us are a part of it. Be you player killer, role-player, casual player, and yes even KeWl DoOdS. We each have our own sub communities within the larger, with our own ideas and goals, but never the less all of these sub communities are part of the whole. But it is of one particular part of our community that I would like to speak about. That is the community of which I have become a part of on Chesapeake. More specifically it is the player town of Haven and the people who truly live there.

Haven was originally founded by the guild known as the United Blacksmith's of Britannia (UBB). But not long after it's opening many others came to join the city. And here in was the purpose of creating Haven, or ANY kind of player establishment, it was to give focus to our community. A place where people could come and interact. Where stories could be told and good times shared. I can truly say that since I have joined the community that is Haven that my UO life as well as my real life have been greatly enriched. As I am sure others have felt when they have joined with players in other places all over UO. What I am seeking to do in this story is to give credit to those who work hard behind the scenes to provide enjoyment to others. Most people do not realize the effort and planning that go into creating an event or an "atmosphere" for others to enjoy. A lot of sacrifices are made every day by these dedicated people, who often get no credit for their work. So what I am asking here is the next time you are in UO stop by a player run establishment and say "Thanks" to some of the people that do this, not for money but for love of the community. You have no idea how much a simple thanks can mean to these people and it will not take that much of your time. You never know you might find that you like it there and wish to come back more often. *smiles*

As for me I would like to personally thank many people that I know have made sacrifices for the betterment and enjoyment of the community. Most of these people are from Haven as these are the people I truly know and have witnessed their hard work and efforts first hand. I would like to humbly thank the following:

Stides, the Mayor of Haven
Winfield, the Mayor of Paxlair
Xanthio, the Lord of Duir
Isis Astarte, the Librarian of Haven
Amber, of the UBB
EvaII, of the UBB
Jethro, of the UBB
Althaia, Crafter of Hope
Exedore of Arden, of Dragon's Bay
All of the Companions, Counselors, Elders, and Seers of every shard.

These people do what they do not for the money or the prestige but because they are truly part of the community! There are many more I would like to thank but that list would go on and on forever. I just wished to let those who tirelessly work for others that there are those out there that appreciate their efforts and applaud them. So to all of you on every shard in every place I say "I honor thee!".

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that the next time you meet one of these people you'll take the time to stop and say "Thank you!". Fare well my friends!

Korin the Scribe
A Member of the UO Community

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