November 10th

FeluccaTheatrical Performance at PaxLair Theater   

Event Held: 11/13/1999

Submitted by Kyleria Dawn:

Ladies of the Lair is proud to present the debut of Pokey and his theatrical troupe at the PaxLair Theater of the Performing Arts!!

Origionally, the production was to be held this coming Friday eve but due to technical difficulties, the play has been rescheduled to this Saturday at 10pm by the eastern sky.

Because of limited seating, tickets will be sold at 30 gold each and may be purchased from me prior to the night of the performance. If there are any available seats left, admission will be charged at the door on the night of the play. All proceeds will be donated to Pokey and his aids for what is to be a spectacular evening filled with drama and intrigue.

For those of you who have pre-purchased tickets, please make note of the date change...your tickets will be honored.

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