A Chat with Minsk, Mayor of PaxLair  
Posted on Friday, November 8, 2002, 12:24 AM EST by Idun Syn (Chesapeake)
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<On this chilly autumn evening, my wanderings took me to the fabled town of PaxLair. There I was greeted by the Mayor of that town, Lady Minsk. As we settled down for a long chat, two orcs by the names of Ga'kuct and Mu'grak joined us, and even though I know they eschew oomie fame, I must say they were quite helpful in explaining to me some things about the origins of PaxLair. I think maybe I will interview them next...*wicked grin*

Idun: What are your origins? Tell me about your life...

Minsk: My mother is dead, but my aunt Kyleria Dawn adopted me. She is like a real mother to me, in every sense of the word. My birth mother I ne'er knew. My father is Emmeril Cimber, Great Knight of PaxLair. He is the only father I have ever known. I was raised in PaxLair, a true product of this town. I started serving tables in the Pax Saloon with my mother, who ran the place. I was very small and I remember playing there as a child. I got to know so many people that went through the Saloon, all the regulars as well as the troublemakers. My mother talked to Mayor Winfield and I was entered in the citizenship of Pax. I remember the first thing that happened to me as soon as I became a citizen...I was attacked immediately by an orc. I think my father killed him after they chased him down. What a way to start!! Afterwards, I started to help out in town with running the alchemist shoppe and bringing people to sell goods in it. It was very successful, but I still worked in the tavern with my mother as well.

Idun: How did you end up becoming the Mayor of PaxLair?

Minsk: When Winfield retired, Don Martin took over. That was when Trammel came into being. Most ran there as fast as they could, leaving PaxLair a ghost town. I ended up being chairperson and running the meetings. Don was kidnapped and I took over being Mayor in his lieu. That would have been March 2001. I have been running PaxLair ever since. I have been guiding this town through the rough and dark times. I kept the candle in the window for the lost ones...

*Idun nods gravely, then giggles at the antics of the orcs. She concentrates again on the young lady in front of her, so young and with such responsibility on her shoulders.*

Idun: I am sure you must be working very hard to bring it back from being a ghost town...

Minsk: Yes, I am. It has grown due to continuous diplomacy and the numbers of returning friends who were disillusioned with Trammel. Trammel did kill the other towns. For that I cried. I and a few others fought to keep PaxLair alive for we did not want it to become like Haven or Oberon Pass, or even Corwyn.

Idun: Are you optimistic about the future of PaxLair?

Minsk: I know it will survive but ne'er like in the olden times. We will be a smaller group of citizens. At this point, the community has shrunk so much we depend on other townes as they depend on us. We as a community have lost many ranks due to old age and our numbers have not been replenished. With support from our citizens and other townes, Pax has a bright future.

Idun: Do you think there is any new blood out there that can be brought into Pax?

Minsk: Yes, we are getting new blood in, but I know and expect it not to erupt with RP'ers. Citizens of the RP community have a greater imagination which is rare. Since the invention of graphic enhanced games, the minds of the young are not used for what they are designed to be used for, which is using their imagination and playing in their minds. But I digress. *Minsk blushes* Yes, young guilds like R!P have great potency. We are working on them.

Idun: PaxLair has a long history...who were your predecessors? Who inspired you in what you do today?

Minsk: The one man in my childhood whom I always looked up to was my father and his gentle strength. He was always willing to give hugs. He would even listen to my silly stories with great interest. I always remember...he told me, "Ladies do not need, ever, to wield a sword, for a knight will always come to protect a lady." Winfield would be the other. He always spoke wisely and was always quick with an answer.

Idun: What is your fondest memory of your life, so far? And the worst?

Minsk: Best...Becoming a citizen of PaxLair in front of my parents and friends. There were so many there. Worst...the dark ages of PaxLair, when there were only 4 people in Pax left, and people would only come by to see if e'er we would go to sleep forever.

Idun: How do you like to spend your time? With your friends, hunting, working for your town?

Minsk: I spend most of my days working for the town. The background workings take up a great deal of my time, as well as travelling from towne to towne talking to people, letting them know what is happening in Pax as well as what is happening in other townes. I use my position as a diplomat to ensure PaxLair's survival and that it is always on the back of people's minds. I feel I have been successful. I like to hunt when I can...It may be greedy but I would like to have the title of great Lady Minsk while I am mayor.

Idun: Do you have any famous last words? Any messages for our readers?

Minsk: The greatest gift, you can ever give to yourself, is the gift of imagination.

*Idun cheers to that with a pint of Orcish Ale.*

Thank you, Minsk! You are already a Lady to us!

In closing, Minsk asked me to relay the following: "We are putting together a great library of the stories of PaxLair and the other townes that no longer exist. We will post them on the sky page and in a library in PaxLair. We will even consider the new townes for they are making quests and stories as well." So if you have anything that might help in this worthy enterprise, feel free to visit PaxLair and look for Minsk!

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