November 7th

FeluccaThe Tears of the Oracle   

From UOC Discussions Board:

Last night I arrived at the PaxLair Survival Shop to find utter chaos... and something I never thought I would see outside of my worst nightmares... the woman who is my closest friend... Julia Simon, the PSS barmaid... dying. Had I been but minutes earlier perhaps I could have prevented this... but I was too late to stop the poisoning... all I can do now is relate this tale and hope there are those out there who can help:

In the midst of a meeting, a man arrived at the PSS with a package for Julia from a 'merchant' named Amberyl of Britain. This package contained some tea which Amberyl wished Julia to sample. When Julia drank the tea, she instantly fell ill... held in the grip of something so vile that she could not be helped by the usual magicks and remedies.

Thus began my search for a cure. The poison used on Julia was identified by Korin of Haven, a noted Scribe and Scholar, as the Ichor Thorn of the Ill Winds. Korin mentioned that the only known cure for this poison is a root used by ancient Dryads to restore their lost memories, a root that is no longer to be found in this world. He suggested that we seek out the Dryad Aurora and find out what she had used when she regained her own memories. After much searching I was able to find her daughter in Marrach Lir. She said that Aurora's cure was given to her by the Forest Oracle, in the form of the Oracle's Tears. I now seek the Tears of the Oracle of the Forest, tears which are also wanted by the Wraiths for use in some evil incantation and summoning. There is great danger in this search as the Wraiths are a powerful enemy... but I will not let Julia die.

The search began today when Drake Marsten, cousin of Julia, went to seek the Guardians of the Oracle. He was joined by Shugster and Cross Macleod along with several members of the Veiled Alliance. They traveled to several places where the Oracle or her Guardians have been seen... and found nothing... nothing except a Wraith lurking about, leading to more speculation that they are indeed very interested in these Tears...despite this setback, the search will continue until the tears are gained and Julia is safe...

If there are any who wish to help, I beg your assistance... we have but a few days before Julia will die.

Adara V*A Quest Watcher

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