November 4th

FeluccaStream of Courage and Other Ideas   

Submitted by Korin the Scribe:


I have heard of the work of Chester Silyus, Scientist of PaxLair. His theory is that the Stream of Courage feeds the Spring of Courage as well as Lake Hammerfell. Let me say that I have seen much in my long travels and have read even more. I believe that there are several tomes that discuss the relationship of the virtues and water.

I also believe that it is possible that there are many underground streams beneath Britannia. Each one connecting with the other and originating at one of the shrines. Perhaps this is why the locations of the shrines were chosen in the first place. Perhaps they only give symbol on the surface to that which has always lay beneath. Perhaps there is a Web of Virtue, in the form of streams, lying beneath our very feet. Could it be that this Web also is what sustains life in our land? If so then it should be named the Web of Life.

As I said before I am an old traveler and often ramble on. These are but thoughts and you should treat them as such. I will however begin research into this if even for nothing more than it may have some impact on my research of Lake Hammerfell. I welcome the aid of Chester, or Mayor Winfield, or anyone else who has knowledge or interest in this.

Now off to my work.......

Korin the Scribe
The Scribe of Haven

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