November 4th

FeluccaThe Ladies of the Lair Tavern Got Blessed!   

From UOSS Chesapeake:

Recently, the Ladies of the Lair Tavern in the city of PaxLair has been given many gifts from several happy carpenters. Two carpenter's apprentices that came in the tavern, were upset because they had been attacked on the road by some brigands. The brigands stole the shipment of furniture they were carrying. They asked the people in the tavern for help, and everyone agreed to do so.

The carpenters were escorted back to Yew, and they asked if the people who came with them to help recover the lost furniture. So back to PaxLair the taverns' folk went looking for the brigands who had taken the furniture. They were found near chaos shrine and some had were caring the furniture in crates. A big war took place as the taverns' folk tried to get the carpenter's furniture shipment back. Not soon after the crates were returned to the carpenter.

Being very happy to get their shipment of the furniture back, the carpenters agreed to bless the lair. All yesterday the Ladies of the Lair's doors were locked, the FIRST time ever since they opened. Today the doors are back open and the lair looks better then ever!

The Ladies of the Lair is currently the primary gathering spot in the city of PaxLair. Ladies (bar maidens) are there to take care of the tavern-goers and Nightstorm is there to look after the Ladies, as well as protect the Lair.

** This was a very watered down version of how the Lair got blessed. To get more information and clarification, ask around in your next stop at the Lair. : )

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