November 1st

FeluccaThe Key of Turning is Ours!   

Submitted by Korin the Scribe:

I am happy to report that the Halloween celebration in Haven went very well! Many people attended and many prizes and gifts were given away. I am also VERY happy to report that we achieved our goal and now have the second piece needed to create the Diving Sphere. The Key of Turning is ours! But the task of obtaining it was difficult indeed! First we journeyed to the dungeon known as Wrong. There we battled many monsters till we found the Orge Lord who held a special set on Tinker Tools that we needed. Once he was slain (well he didn't want to GIVE the tools away soooo.....) we then came back to Haven where a few more needed items were gathered. We needed a wand or staff of lightning, 100 iron ingots, and one of each type of gem.

Once these things were gathered we proceeded to Pax Lair to find the renowned tinker Tycho Veg. We found him in his lab in the Tower of Chaos. We then spoke to him of what we needed and with some reluctance he agreed to make the Key. But first he asked a service of us. He had need of several dragon hides to complete an experiment that he was working on and asked us to get them for him in exchange for his services. We agreed and took straight off for the Dungeon Destard. Once there we slew many Dragons and Drakes, and unfortunately some of us were slain as well. But in the end we gathered what we needed and returned to Pax Lair and Tycho. When we arrived he was just finishing the assembling of the Key. And so once we handed over the dragon hides he presented me with the finished Key and we all returned to Haven in triumph! With the Key obtained we are almost half way finished in gathering the things we need to complete the construction of the Diving Sphere.

We have also made some minor headway into the search for the sword known as "Truth". It seems that the sword is mentioned in some writings of a guild known as the Legion of Truth (LoT). This guild was supposedly destroy by the Coven of Vampires (CoV) long ago. We shall investigate further and I shall let you know once we have more answers to give.

Once again I wish to thank all of those who came to my aid this day. We shall soon quest for the Dye of Waterproofing. I will send more information on this when I am able. Fare Well!

Korin the Scribe
The Scribe of Haven

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