October 21st

FeluccaQuest to Find the Forest Oracle   

Submitted by Drake Marsten:

Greetings friends,

Not too long ago the legendary book of truth fell into the hands of the wraiths. The mystery behind all this is: "Why did the wraiths go through all the trouble of getting that book?". Only the Oracle of the Forest could answer such a puzzle.

Last night several of us gathered at the Paxlair survival shop. To name a few there was Arawn, Don Martin, Adara, John, Eli, and several of my clan brothers and sisters. We readied ourselves and stepped through gate. We were now in the Hedge grove maze, and we had to find the guardians of the forest oracle. We split up into groups and started searching, we soon met up with a woodsmen who told us that there was Wraiths in the maze causing harm. We got ready and went deep into the maze. It did not take long for us to get separated. That's when I saw it. The wraith was a hideous creature upon a great steed. It moved with the speed of lightning hopping over the bushes as if they were things on the ground.

It was coming my direction fast, I gripped my blade tightly and charged towards it. As I was charging it, it summoned a blade spirit. I could not stop in time and ran into its spinning blades. Wounded I decided to run back, and as I turned the corner, there it was in front of me. This time I was going to slay it but his blade was faster than mine, I took to many hits. I was running back through the bushes fighting for my life then in the distance I saw Adara. As she weaved her magic and kept the wraith busy, I quickly healed my wounds and returned to battling it. By the time we drove it off, I was nearly dead.

With a creature as dangerous as this walking about I had to find the others. After a while of searching we gathered together in the center of the maze. The woodsman told us that there were more wraiths now in the maze. He also told us if we free the maze from the wraiths he would help us find the Guardians of the oracle. This time we went out as one group; after walking for a good while we found nothing. Since these creatures were looking for us we decided to set up an ambush. Dravyn a fellow clan member volunteered to be the bait. We waited and waited but nothing happened, Then the spirit of Dravyn appear before us. One of the wizards understood the spirit, he was saying that the wraiths are in the center and have captured the woodsmen.

We returned to find several Wraiths holding the woodsmen on a small tower, several of our group tried to climb up only to be mortally wounded at the top. But we push forward and managed to defeat the wraiths. The woodsman thanked us and told us that we had to find a man and a lady in the town of Aryslan. We gated to this place and started our search, we came across the main tower of the town. The mayor of Aryslan stood upon the front steps and welcomed our party to the city, he inquired if we were here to help Aryslan with its recent trouble with undead and a man called Mazrim Taim. At the mention of that half our group seemed quite curious and went off with the mayor to see Mazrim's tower. We searched around till we found a rangers post where we met this lady. Strangely she knew who we were and that we were seeking the Lady of the Forest. She said that the guardians will indeed meet with us in a few days.

We shall be meeting the guardians of the Forest Oracle this Saturday. If you would like to join our expedition, we will be gathering our group on the docks of Skara Brae (main land side) at 9:30pm Eastern time.

Drake Marsten
Clan Elder

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