October 18th

FeluccaLegion of Truth Relinquishes Book of Truth   

Submitted by Shug, GM of Legion of Truth:

My Fellow friends,

It saddens me greatly, to tell what I am about to tell, for It is upon this day that the one thing I dreaded has befallen me... I failed to protect the Book of Truth, and also let my guard down with someone I trusted and held dear. Jasper de Fargo...I admit he was acting very strange as of late, yet when as I was counciling my fellow Lord Don Martin with a certain perilous wraith kidnapping of his beloved Tameria, The Book was swept from our Guildhouse, by the only other keybearer. Jasper. I was enraged and called upon the Gods for help.

"To the Spire" a quiet voice in my ear said..."Seek your leige in the darkness"  To my Aide I called upon the keeper of our realm, Zog, Warlord of the Lands of Yew.  To Paxlair I swiftly travelled, and (by the Gods!) met with Don Martin.  It seems his love,Tameria had been rescued, but he still looked ill and vague... 

I told Don of my tidings and he looked worser still... I had just last night reported that all was well with our fragment of the  Book as we planned to rescue his woman from the clutches of the Wraiths. If only I had known...  Now the book has fallen into other hands, and I must seek council with the Gods of Mercy. 

Upon meeting Jasper, I felt the burning sureness of my finger protruding from the back of his head, but Don in his no doubt infinite wisdom, invited me to withdraw, and not antagonize the confused man... Meanwhile Zog, defending our honour, had to  suddenly defend his own as one of his former Miss Mistress's, Melinda, appeared demanding some ungodly amount of money from him for past "services". He denied this, and a rather shameful game of  chase-you-around-the-house ensued... As this was rather engaging to watch, a Demon of Death appeared and smite quite easily Jasper to the ground, as the ghouls of the CoV undead gloated on.

The Gods then decided it was time to end the Day. and I have thus gone to bed, perchance to dream...If I'd been a Python, may someone have named me Monty...goodnight.

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