September 15th


PaxLair Weekly Meeting

Submitted by Mayor Winfield

PaxLair held its city meeting Wednesday night at 9PM Eastern Sky time at the PaxLair Survival Shop. We will hold the meeting again at the PSS next week.

The main topics of discussion were diverse this time. They included:

Kingdoms in the Realm

Inter-city Forum

Book about the Old Fortress

Kingdoms in the Realm (and a declared war from the town of Oasis on Trammel against Camelot on Trammel) -- What gives a sovereign power in the realm to be a sovereign? That was a largely debated question which will certainly draw more discussion next week.

Inter-city Forum (Chesapeake Towns) -- what is the role of this new forum and how can towns use it? It was explained this Forum is for quickly communicating between cities and within cities. The Forum is not a primary chat-oriented discussion board, as many towns already have. Therefore, many towns will probably make this a primary board for their city announcements and major focused discussions. Their own board are for more casual discussion. This new forum is closely monitored too. Also, this forum is for RPing only, not OOC things (even though this is an OOC statement here... these OOC statements will reduce in time).

Book about the Old Fortress - PaxLair received a new book from Falcor Trist, a PaxLair Squire. It details a diary of fatal activity at the Crossroads Fortress. The book is on display in the PaxLair library on the librarian's table.

Next week, we hope to continue discussions of multi-city interest. The meetings are every week at 9PM Eastern Sky time in PaxLair. We offer this as a service and a dedicated time/location for all to quickly talk to many people of the realm and cities.

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