August 14th

Happy Events Announced in Paxlair!   

Submitted by Jhym:

Two happy announcements came from PaxLair this night, one of an event to come soon, another of something much more miraculous...

This eve Vixxen Goldmoon of the Ladies of the Lair and Kyle, Knight of PaxLair, announced they are expecting a little one. Mayor Winfield and Mayor SortsAngel were both about for the announcement, as were a large group of well wishers. They were not sure when the baby will be born, but the couple is now looking for a house for the happy family. Mayor SortsAngel graciously offered to see if space could be found in Corwyn for a suitable place, so the child will have someone near its own age to play with (AngelStorm and Lion's child, HeartStorm, lives in Corwyn with his parents.)

Also announced, Mayor Winfield is having a Counselor's appreciation ceremony in PaxLair, Monday the 16th, at 9pm EST. I believe it will be held at the towers of balance. Counselors from all worlds are to be represented, and who knows what surprises will happen with that many blue robed ones about! There will be a ceremony with awards I believe, and a song will be performed for the guests of honor.

Hope to see you there!

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