July 28th

Wixim Returns to Paxlair

Submitted by Abraxis Lue:

As I prepared for honour guard duty for the PaxLair towne meeting last eve, I noticed an odd fellow with a green staff pass. 'Was that the man of dice and snakes?' I thought. I caught up with him. Yes it was he and we soon began his game.

I took the dice, kissed them, then rolled a 7. He threw a 4. I won!!! He tossed about 300 gold coin on the ground and offered to play again. After some thought I accepted.

I took the dice, kissed them, then rolled a 5. Not looking good for me. He disliked my handling of his dice. To cherish them so. He bent to pick up the dice and fell in a hole. He disappeared. Me and the sacred dice. Alone. I took the dice and walked back to the Quest Center.

I saw Sir Don Martin on the patio singing a tune. His new endeavor I suppose. I got his attention and told him my story. I was excited. I ran inside to get my ceremonial uniform on, I was running late for guard duty. As I changed I thought, 'These dice must be powerful, and they are now mine. What power would they bring me. Maybe I will rule PaxLair...maybe Britannia!!!'

Wixim then burst into the room looking for his dice. He didn't recognize me since I had changed. He screamed and shouted diving deeper into insanity. I thought myself as cruel to watch him suffer. I could not let this continue. I put on the robe I was wearing before so he would recognize me with his one good eye and told him I had his dice. He demanded them back. He followed me outside and I placed them on the ground. He snatched them and seemed mad at me, as if I 'stole' his dice. *grins* I explained, 'Nay, I was safe keeping them for you.' Wixim eventually calmed.

We played twice more and both times I lost. After the last he summoned a giant serpent and an ice serpent. I did nae die for I had just suited up in the best armor I own. As I fought the serpents, Wixim ran off yelling, making no sense.

I can't help but wonder, 'Do the dice hold power or are they only a madman's obsession?' I say beware.

Abraxis Lue, =G=


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