July 17th

PaxLair Trials

Submitted by Narga Saiyen-UOSS :

For some time now, there has been a heated discussion about an upcoming trial between Trek'guk Luav and Shen of PaxLair. It seems that Trek, former guild master to the Army of Thieves, along with his lawyer Lachlan Mor, citizen and former Diplomat for Haven, have filed against Shen, guild master of PxO, on accounts of murderer, looting, and unjust banishment from public buildings. But at the same time, it has been decreed that Trek must go through a trial of his own. Trek'guk is also of species Kolbold, a half-human half-canine.

I had the chance to ask Trek a couple of questions which some he said "nu coment" but I was able to get some information out of him.

What are your thoughts now that Shen must face his own trial?

"trek tink it gud, shen always tinkin him kin du anyting and shen tinkin him sum big important, bit tis show him he nu it tat."

Could you explain one of the times that Shen did something againstPaxLair law?

"shen alwies loot trek, eten win trek's tuff nu stolen. wineter trek bi mishmashed shen loot trek. bi pax law yous nu loot unless yous know tings stolen. un tim shen loot full chainmail suit fim trek. nu way trek could teal full chainmail suit."

Trek also mentioned something about a "paxlair collective" that protected the people within their ranks and that is why he thinks he might not have fair trial. But from listening to Trek's statements, it seems that he has done some stealing around PaxLair and might not be the most liked Kolbold there.

Another thing that struck interest to me in this case was that Lachlan Mor, a citizen of Haven and former diplomat of the city, is Trek's lawyer. Now that might not sound like anything important but if you remember, a while back, the City of Haven was overrun by the Army of Theives, the guild Trek was in before. I asked Lachlan about this and he replied, "Barristers be called upon to represent tha clients, M'lady, and even a professional thief be entitled to justice, nae?" A good response but it did not satisfy my taste for draining out all the feelings.

I thought best to go and ask Lady Amber, the Mayor of Haven, about this subject. I asked her about her feelings about Trek's accusations and she replied, "Who did ye say? Trek'guk, that horrid rogue?! Pressing charges against someone! Bah ... he deserves no justice. He came with his band of rogues and took away Haven's Sword to his own gain ... Killed and wounded many, meself included. Ye'll not find any sympathy from this corner. Trek and the AT held Haven hostage in my name for many a daywhilst he took our fine wares in his evil campaign to take Occllo ... not to mention the abuse I suffered at his hands and the hands of that band of scoundrels. And he's pressing charges is he? The only justice he deserves is the justice of having himself planted in the midst of Dungeon Destard where he'd find himself having sympathy for the swine roasting on a spit he would!"

As I stood aghast, as I had never seen Amber in this mood, I regained my composure and asked her about Lachlan. "Aye ... Lachlan is indeed a citizen of Haven. At one time he was Haven's official Diplomat. He didst leave his post to pursue the call of Justice in the land, for 'tis a call that runs hot in his veins. 'Tis a good man that would take on an evil charge such as Trek'guk to see that justice is fairly served. E'en in such rabble as that rogue!"

This case is indeed filled with high emotions on both parties. I had not the chance to interview Shen or other representatives of PaxLair as of yet but will try to do so soon. Will justice prevail? I hope so. If you would like to read up more on this subject, check out the PaxLair Message Board.


As I was writing the above article, I recieved an email from a source that had told me the trial had been cancelled. I immediately went to the PaxLair board to see what was up and found out that Neo of Lothlore, Chief Magistrate, had cancelled the trial of Trek vs Shen forever "Due to the lack of roleplaying we have found in this case, all cases involving Shen and Trek'guk Luav have been labeled *unfit* for the PaxLair Law System."

Of course immediately after this announcement was made, you can imagine Trek's frustration with the PaxLair Law System from reading this quote as to why he believes it was cancelled (which is in OOC): "PaxLair were the first people to go OOC. While it didn't look like it Lach was just along for the ride. Everything was done according to how PaxLair wanted it. This trial continues to be RPed, but some how it's been declared not to be. No warning was given, no "Ok guys, too much OOC lets get back in gear" was announced, just like that it's canceled. Why? My guess is Lach was doing too much of a good job. Things were starting to crumble beneath those who thought they were on solid ground and it freaked them out."

Tensions and frustration all mixed together does not make a good combination. Now, we all know that a law system is never 100% perfect, no matter what world you live in, be it Britannia or Earth. We must see past personal differences and see to it that whatever we can do in our power to uphold the law should be done. And now, Will Justice Prevail? We'll never know in this case.


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