July 8th

Words of Power

Submitted by Zog the Fishmonger


Savages. Orcs. Most times I be wonderin' if it be even worth me time to come ashore, instead o' stayin' out at sea. But the spirits call, and sometimes a secret ken be discovered in a deep other than the rollin' blue ocean, and that be why I am writin' these words to all of ye.

Once again the Gatekeeper manifested regardin' the mystery of The Maid. The Paxlair Adventurers undertook another quest to obtain strange objects to learn more of the lore needed to unlock the secrets that spirit brings back from the netherworld.

The task was great this time, taxing even the unimaginable resevoir of stamina the Keeper holds within. Even now that unearthly being must rest for a time, to regather its diminished energies.

But there are some things to tell. Upon Dagger Island, it was, that the Keeper showed us the path to where an altar must be built. Thereupon this altar the adventurers were charged to place strange barbarian herbs and magical humanoid masks.

It was rather odd to be seein' people where the altar was built - in the vale leading to Deciet. Murderers don't hang about much, though, when confronted with summoned Demons, a noble Lady Dragon named Mylanth, and the might of arms and magic upheld by the Paxlair Adventures.


Yet much was learned after the altar was constructed, and hope increased as all learned that a portal into the realm might soon be opened for The Maid. It seems that a phrase of power will aid in the task:

'Mantu Alesh Inda Dom'

I still do not know of its meaning, but this is what little we know, except one other thing: a crumpled and soiled book appeared, after a vision showed us a series of stones resembling a village. Where this site may be we know not, but the book indicated the village was called Lontish, and there might be found lore regarding The Maid.

Whilst researching the Runic Lexicon to untangle the runes the Keeper imparted to us, I failed to understand them. I suppose I just don't have the inscription I need, but I did find a clue regarding a puzzle in a far land. This also I would share with ye.

If you find yourself in a strange place at some time in your future, you will remember this and know what to do:


Seek ye then, the hidden door. The green pentagram takes you to marbled halls where wisps drift. The red pentagram takes you back to the runes. The green pentagram takes you back to the masters of evil lore.

After you find the path, the Corruptor of Souls awaits you in a great arena, imprisoned in ages long past by the noble mage who once ruled where now only wisps speak strange phrases.

To you, I impart the Keepers lore. To any of adventurous spirit, I hope you survive well your encounter with the what was imprisoned long ago.

Zog the Fishmonger

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