June 7th

A Prophecy Unfolds...

Submitted by Zog the Fishmonger:

So there I be, sittin' in the Blue Boar Tavern, tossin' down some ale with Holmes, when I gets this strange feelin' inside me skull. Being a Medium, and all, these things sometimes take control of ye, havin' almost a life of their own. Rummagin' around in me pouch, I pulled out my directional crystal - one of quartz - to aid me in pinpointing the source of the emanation.

Paxlair again, it was.

I arrived at the twin towers to find Lord Vegeta leading yet another meeting. That poor lad is always up to something, and several persons of note stood about discussing many things of interest, even to an old sod such as meself. Paxlair is like that alot of times, a town full of interactions - good, bad, or indifferent!.

Nothing seemed apparent to me at first, but my terathan senses were tingling. Probably to much ale again - but I went along with it!.

A momentary distraction occured when the naives of (AT) attacked and butchered the horse of a Lady of the Lair. Calling meteors from the sky they was, all to make some statement about what efficient slayers of horseflesh they was. Some thieves.

Out of the Abyss stepped the Gatekeeper, the cold emanations from his lost spirit causing many about to shiver in fear. The Gatekeeper began wailing something fierce, and at that point I lost track of Zog the Fishmonger, and fell into the task of being a Medium. When my mind and spirit again became as one, I realized I had missed some of what it said, but this is what I recall. Perhaps others can fill in where I blacked out momentarily. It wailed:

' A girl whall step through the door and enter the realm. You will not know her for some time. Then she will be known by her actions and visions. You will come to know her as the MAID. She will come to lead those who would follow. She will present the people with a noble of the realm in the end. Bear in mind a prophecy has many paths to reach its end. The time to travel such paths is unknown for now. Signs will happen in the days and months ahead '

And it was so. I pass this tale along to all of ye, for what may come of it.

Zog the Fishmonger

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