Thanks to Counselors for Great Support!


by Mayor Winfield, May 29, 2000


Counselors are Greeted to a great Thanks!
Counselors are Greeted to a great Thanks!

Footnote: I add this article as an addition to the wonderful news article Dell submitted very quickly to UOVault, UOSS, and UOChesapeake immediately after our gathering. Thanks Dell of CBR!!

It was a late Monday evening [U.S. Memorial Day] after a long hard day of adventuring for many people in the realm. A few of us sat in the PaxLair Saloon on Chesapeake resting from the day's travels.

As we told many tales of the day, I became lost in thought about how busy a day it must have been for some of our friends who were always on duty and could not sit with us. These friends are the Counselors.

I thought of people I have come to know in the realm and who might be up as late as I. On impulse, I sent a call out to some of these "night-owls" to come quickly to the PaxLair Saloon; that I would page a Counselor and we could surprise him or her with a great thanks for all they do for us.

It was wonderful to see many come at a moment's notice or drop by the Saloon for a late-night ale, as they too seemed to share the feelings that the Counselors do a superb job and are under great strains and pressures these days. Those who came were:

People Gathering Together
People Gathering Together

I placed the call into the Counselor Queue and even at this late hour, found I was #173. My goodness!

Kyleria Dawn set out food and drink for everyone as she could probably sense we would need something to tide us over while we waited for a counselor. She set out cakes to help give the Saloon a celebration atmosphere. We waited... and waited... Some people had to go reluctantly and our crowd began to dwindle a bit.

Then Senior Counselor Mindtrip appeared at the door and we all became silent. Some hid quickly, ready to launch a surprise on our good friend.


Senior Counselor Mindtrip Enters
Senior Counselor Mindtrip Enters


We yelled out Surprise as he entered and I think he nearly fell upon the floor with eyes wide. Wonder if we scared the wits out of him... *grins*

After we told Senior Counselor Mindtrip why we gathered, he smiled and thanked everyone. Then his face became a bit solemn as he explained a bit about the Counselors...


SRC Mindtrip Explains More about the Counselors
SRC Mindtrip Explains More about the Counselors


Mindtrip: Ever since the UO:R release it has been very busy for us. Basically UO has been remarketed as a new game and this has a direct impact on us. We manage ourselves as a tight and small but efficient group-we weren't ready for this level of customer support. :(

Winfield: You are still accepting applications?

Mindtrip: Oh you bet we are. [Application is here] We are moving to a new review system in fact. For applications, the counselor system is also changing a bit to be more efficient in our response times. But, we can always use more counselors. The counselor teams are basically working a new system that allows us to better track the efficiency of our job. But as far as asking if we need more counselors-we sure do on the East Region. I'd highly recommend cats or atlantic since they are in my region. :-)

Winfield: What weekly hours does a counselor work?
Winmere: Is 20 hours still required?

Mindtrip: We only ask for 6 hours a week to get your free account. Many do much more out of their loyalty to the customer. Overall, I am pleased with the counselor program and the c's that work this shard. We are evolving through changes that will help us help you better. Its a tough evolution, though, but needed. UO:R did hit us for a wallop though :-)

Winfield: Well, we get great help from them. One helped me the other day in the Order Tower. Had a few problems there, and a counselor got me help really fast.

Mindtrip: Thats good to hear if response was fast-normally its a lot slower understandably.

Winfield: We know the job is tough, and many do not express appreciation. We do though. We understand the efforts.


Mindtrip Explaining the Future
Mindtrip Explaining the Future

Mindtrip: The thing about UOR is that it touched every single player in the game. No other patch has done that.

Memnoch: *raises a hand out of character* UO:R was a huge change...caught a lot of people off guard =)

Winfield: What kinds of calls do the Counselors generally get?

Mindtrip: Honestly, most calls are related to simply not understanding how it [UO, UO:R] works. There are also some very valid calls with ongoing bugs. All this information needs to be recorded and sent in. But, I think you will be impressed at what bugs they have fixed on test.

Winfield: And of course, they call to ask you how to get your robe, right?
Winmere: How do you unrobe a Counselor?
Mindtrip: Ahaha, I just say its superglued on.
Dell: Play a striptease tune Winmere
Winmere: *grins*

Mindtrip: I have a big question for you. I remember last time I was here that the changes were worrying this town. How are things now?

Dell: quiet
Ceili: *nods*
Locutis: *nods*
Ceili: Very quiet
Winfield: Well, for PaxLair, there is actually little change. Once we decided to remain here for certain, we do what we have always done. And continue it.
Erik: Most people i know hate "carebear land" so there staying here

Mindtrip: Folks, this makes my day. If you ever get a chance to chat with a c, Please do it--they are really working more than I would want them to. We don't mean to neglect our social visits so thank you so much for giving me the chance to sidetrack.

Morgaine: Well all i must get some sleep
Dell: *waves at Morgaine*
Morgaine: Good night my love
Winfield: Good night Morgaine, my love.
Memnoch: *waves to Morgaine*
Winmere: Good night Lady Morgaine
Mindtrip: Lady Morgaine it was good to see you again.
Morgaine: Aye Mindtrip.. goodnight my friend


Kyleria Dawn: *reaches over to peek under Mindtrips hood then kisses his cheek*
Mindtrip: awh :-)
Kyleria Dawn: we always love you *smiles*
Winmere: Careful, she is married.
Dell: *chuckles*
Winmere: *bites lip*
Kyleria Dawn: hush, Winmere *grins*

Mindtrip: Well I do plan on being here for quite a while. My one year anniversary is on June 2
Winfield: Oh oh... party time!!!
Winmere: Whoohooo! And you are still sane?
Winfield: Now the cat is out of the bag!
Winmere: Amazing.
Dell: *laughs*
Mindtrip: I went insane a long time ago :-)
Winmere: *giggles*
Winmere: Glad to hear it. Sanity is boring.
Dell: Crystal Rose of the V*A is getting married the next day [June 3]. Come to the reception and we can toast you as well.

As we talked, more counselors appeared outside the Saloon front doors and people rushed to let them inside.


More Counselors Come to the Gathering
More Counselors Come to the Gathering

In all, several Counselors arrived and we greeted and thanked each of them:

We all know the Counselors have a tough job today and ahead of them. And they are all volunteers!! What seems to keep them going is their love for helping people through thick and thin. Such is the nature of the Counselor as we come to realize. And as such, we offer them our humble thanks.

But the work of the Counselors are not the only "support" we receive and enjoy. The GameMasters (GMs) also have a most important role to help us, and they do wonderfully without hardly any recognition at all. Most do not appear directly to us as they aid us with an invisible hand. Sometimes they must appear and converse with us to get more specifics about a problem or our request.

Case and point, GM Aegis arrived while he was answering the queue. I was a bit vague in my call, so he appeared to me to offer his aid. Of course, we yelled out "SURPRISE" to him as well and we offered him thanks.


GM Aegis Arrives to Answer the Queue
GM Aegis Arrives to Answer the Queue

We thank you all, the Counselors and GMs, for your dedication to the people of the realm. We understand the long hours, the long queue, and the many questions people ask of you. We salute you "support people" for jobs well done!

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair, ... and the others who join together to show their appreciation.

P.S. If anyone is interested in becoming a Counselor and join a Great Team of people to help our fellow players, please fill out an application.


Updated on: May 31, 2000
© 2000-2001 by PaxLair, a Player City on Chesapeake, Ultima Online