May 26th


It lurks in the foliage of trees

Submitted by Ghost of Zog:

(A medium in Paxlair translated this story)

and the dark of the jungle lets it blend in well.

I had just gotten off of the good ship 'Skuld', anchored down near the shores of Papua. I really wanted some mango's, so I got a bucket and got out of the boat, heading for a jungle pathway.

Somedays you should just never get out of the boat.

I had the strange sensation that something was watching me, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I headed up the path, and noticed a commotion up ahead. I crept up as quietly as I could to the embankment, and peering down below I noticed an orc pacing nervously in fear.

I didn't understand what it had to be afraid of, as many Orc Lords and battle orcs where there to provide strength in numbers. I decided that I would test my magic, and poisoned the frightened orc. Immediately, an orc scout, with skin of darkest green, materialized in front of me with a teleportation flash!.

It shot a cruel arrow into me, doing damage akin to the fearsome blows of the ratman archer. I blasted the creature with all the mana available to me, and watched in surprise as it vanished, teleporting outside my vision. A few seconds later, it reappeared, fully healed!. I even watched it heal in battle, for no apparent reason. As all this happened, the Lords and battle orcs bashed me without remorse.

How do the strange orc masks interact with these fearsome orc scouts?.

Finally, I fled, my cloak in tatters as I stood at deaths doorway. I fled into a guantlet of Doom, for as I ran down the pathway, more of these creatures appeared in the foliage, like some jungle predator that can be invisible or visible at will.

Approaching the rope suspension bridge to the Desert Area north of Papua, my tenuous fate reached a grim conclusion ... I had stumbled into a newly built fortress, and was instantly dispatched by the efreets that set upon me there.

At least as a ghost I don't have to eat fish.


Yours from the other side of OooOoO,

Zog the Fishmonger (deceased)


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