Mayor Declares Peace for PaxLair Neutral Citizen Stones

by Mayor Winfield, May 14, 2000


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As a continuation of our PaxLair government's and some of our citizens' roles in neutrality, as of this evening, I have "peaced" the PaxLair Neutral Citizen Stones (Pax and PxI) from all other guilds. Not all citizens of PaxLair are neutral, but those on the Pax and PxI stones are. PaxLair Citizens not on these stones, for example PxK, PxL, and PxW, are not affected by this change. These other stones may have reasons to war with other guilds and maintain their own status.

In addition, the Disciples of Order stone (PxO) is now being maintained as the PaxLair Citizens' war stone, and will be warred with various groups as deemed appropriate. Shen, the Greybeard of PaxLair, is the master of the PxO stone. The stone is located atop the Order Tower. PaxLair citizens may decide if they wish to be on the PaxLair neutral stone (Pax) or the PaxLair war stone (PxO).

I have "peaced" the Pax and PxI stones for two reasons:


Attacks upon the neutral citizenry of PaxLair is a severe crime and is a crime against the sanctity of what PaxLair stands for: Neutrality and Peace. These neutral, peaceful citizens will not interfere in business or problems between adversaries unless they are asked to mediate or a crime is committed against the Laws of PaxLair. Their options are limited in enforcing the laws since these citizens are not guards; most are shopkeepers. Some of their options will be based upon their own individual morals and values as neutral people.

Questions or comments may be directed to the PaxLair officials.


Updated on: May 14, 2000
© 2000-2001 by PaxLair, a Player City on Chesapeake, Ultima Online