April 29th





OSI, Felucca Says... (Out of Character News)

We have had enough!

Yes, being a thief is a viable occupation.

Yes, being a thief is "legal".

Yes, visiting the player establishments and thieving is acceptable.

Now that all of that is out of the way...

This evening the members of the FDC (Feluccan Development Council) held their first meeting in the player town of Haven. It is our goal to work together (the player towns of Felucca) to bring more activity to our empty lands. However, one of the very reasons that Felucca is empty reared it's ugly head and disrupted and ended the meeting of the FDC.

Enter the guild At, Army of Thieves. As of 11:42 pm, 202 members. This guild has been a thorn in the side of the player establishmetns of our shard for months now. The cities of Corwyn, Haven and PaxLair have had enough and are crying out to OSI to give us provisions to deal with this issue.

The meeting of the FDC began at 9pm EST, At arrived at approximately 9:30. We dealt with them for nearly 15min before rounding everyone up and relocating to PaxLair. As any counselor would tell you, change locations if a player is bothering you (nevermind if you are standing in your own home). However, At followed us to PaxLair where the harassment continued until 11:30pm. This is plain and simple targeted harassment as they followed us to our new location and continued their behavior for a minimum of 2 HOURS.

Many will say that we should just kill them. We do... over and over and over ad nauseum every time they come to our towns. They don't leave because they were killed. They continue for hours on end nearly every time they come to one of these towns. Many of us are taking murder counts in the process.

Many player towns and establishments, including the cities of Haven, Corwyn and PaxLair, are finding themselves in a very tough position, one that requires us to pick and choose who we defend our citizens and visitors from. The ban limits on our buildings are forcing us to choose whether we ban 50 of 202 thieves or 50 murderers... or some combination of both. All of these players are interrupting our events and destroying participation in our cities. Events are constantly being destroyed by the actions of a few guilds and players. This should not be tolerated.

We are not requesting that OSI take action against the Army of Thieves. We are simply asking that we are given the tools to help ourselves and protect the play-style that WE want to participate in. We ask that ban lists on public buildings be upgraded to an unlimited count and that all thieves become gray upon snooping and attackable to all around them.

Try as we might, we (the players) can not re-establish the player base on Felucca without provisions by OSI to protect our visitors. Those of us left on Felucca have been fighting for a year to save over 3 years of work (under circumstances never to be seen again), we need your help. Lifting the ban limits and going back to making snooping an aggressive action is only a first step. There have been many discussions and ideas for town stones, make this a priority.

OSI, we have done all we can to help ourselves...we NEED you to step in and give us tools and help give the player base a reason (or incentive) to come to Felucca and take the risks involved with that trip.

Lastly, we beg you not to take the easy route and place the Trammel rule set on Felucca. If we wanted those rules we would have moved by now.


--Angel Storm, 12:24am Eastern


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