Tancred RedStar Moderator
(UO Moderator
Armored Assault)
05/04/04 12:09 AM
GateKeeper Quest - A Fissure to the Underworld


Tonight's Red Wolf Cafe event was a mystery scavenger hunt hosted by Anton and Rouge of the Keepers of the Crimson Rose Guild. Each team of three had to collect items from a cleverly written list in under 30 minutes. There were 7 teams as well as a number of spectators. Afterwards, there was an intriguing contest where the participants put on their best chef, pirate and necro faces. As the event wound down and Anton and Rouge took their well-earned bows, the mysterious GateKeeper suddenly uttered a dire warning for the lands.

A fissure, or gap, had become unsealed between this world and the Underworld. If it were allowed to continue to widen, unthinkable things could traverse the passage, wreaking horrors upon the realm. The GateKeeper said this catastrophe could only be averted with the immediate intervention by fulfilling a strange ritual of ages past.

A large group soon formed to undertake this dire task and the GateKeeper laid out the necessary actions to fulfill the ritual. In the depths of Shame lay the dark mage towers. In ages past, there had been rituals of now-forgotten lore practiced within which, if perfomed again, could reseal the fissure. To perform the task, live chickens had to be taken into the depths of Shame to the mage towers. With the resident monsters lurking about the dark caverns, this proved no easy task.

the party fights it way through Shame

The courageous party set out for Shame at once with a number of the prescribed birds in tow. As they descended the depths of the dungeon, the inhabitants took their steady toll.

At last, one of the mage towers was reached, but only three of the required birds were still alive. The group, which consisted of a number of notable guilds, quickly stormed the mage tower, annihilating anything which came in their path til they reached the innermost sanctum of the dreaded place. There, a chicken was brought forth, the ritual performd and the fissure partially sealed.

The GateKeeper commended the group on their accomplishment but said another tower lay to the east and the fissure needed to be sealed further with a similar ritual before the lands could be safe once more. The party set out once again, this time for the other end of Shame where the other mage tower lay.

Arriving there, the GateKeeper warned that only five of the party, with bird in tow, could enter the mage tower lest the delicate magicks needed to reseal the fissure be misannointed and fail. Five stalwart volunteers stepped forward and assaulted the tower alone with only the chicken as their backup. They soon penetrated to the required spot, vanquishing all the evil mages that opposed them along the way. Other groups soon took their turn fulfilling the task until the GateKeeper at last announced with relief that the fissure had been completely sealed and catastrophe averted.

the GateKeeper's parting words

Commending the group once again on their efforts, the GateKeeper warned everyone to be mindful of future fissures and, with but barely another word, blinked out of sight.

Tancred RedStar, eyewitness