Author: Zog  
Date/Time: 1/21/2003 3:14:12 PM
Subject: Lord Cross Arrested by Mayor Minsk

Yesterday eve, Mayor Minsk questioned the Paladin, Lord Cross, regarding his excavations of the Orc Ruins. Minsk indicated that the Orc 'Temple' was protected by Mayoral Decree and that Cross, if he was digging at the site, was in violation of the decree.

Cross replied that the decree was no longer valid, as the Orcs had broken the peace when Gurukk had 'cooked', and eaten, a stew created out of the body parts of a human family he murdered in cold blood.

Cross departed the debate, and immediately thereafter the Mayor requested that the Lady Kyrsten go arrest Cross for his 'crime' in continuing to violate the decree regarding the 'Temple'.

Cross, referring the 'Temple' as nothing more than a 'Ruin' departed the meeting to continue his excavations. When Kyrsten located Cross he was busy digging at the site in question. Kyrsten escorted Cross back to a cell located at the Tower, as Kraye stood by his side in a show of solidarity.

Cross indicated that he was following the orders of his Commander, one Magnus of Trinsic, as he spoke in the cell with Mayor Minsk, and upheld his convictions that the Orcs had broken the peace, and that the 'Temple' was nothing more than some ruins and an eyesore.

It appears that Lord Cross will be placed on trial at some point in the future.
