February 9th


FeluccaIn the Shadow of Darkness   

Submitted by Tameria:

The rhythm of his breathing matched the steady beat of his heart. The sounds comforting as Tameria lay on his chest, the slumber Don enjoyed evaded her. Thoughts of the days events raced through her head forestalling sleep. Adara's and Eli's wedding had been so - special. Quiet and private, a moment cherished in all of their lives. The following conversation, news shared with champaign and cake, well wishes and finally Adara's and Eli's departure on their honeymoon.

These events had happened so swiftly twas only now Tameria had the chance to reflect on them. Don's offer to show Asland the Pax Lair embassy in Corwyn should have been a pleasant end to the evening. However, the wraiths' shadow darkened even that as Asland announced he could sense them near. Talk then turned to the wraiths and Don Martin's bargain with their leader. Tameria had begged Asland to prevent Don from carrying out this deal, neither of the men seemed to listen as they discussed the finer points of the agreement to ensure Tameria's safety, and Don Martin's successful completion of it.

"Look ahead," Asland had told Don Martin. "Uuban may have guaranteed Tameria's safety for this, but what of your children." Tameria sputtered, protested and blushed, wondering if he knew something she herself didn't know. "I see a bigger world," Asland said, grinning at Tameria, "I look beyond this moment."

"Men." She scoffed softly, his words still whirling through her mind as fatigue overtook her and dreams began.


The child was so tiny. She had never seen anything so small and perfect in her life. The young mother stroked the babe's head cradled in her arms, skin, soft and sweet smelling, tiny fingers encircling her own. An overwhelming sense of maternal love and protection filled the moment bringing her to the brink of tears. Few things are so precious as those quiet moments shared between mother and child in the still of the night. Softly she kissed the feather soft hair of her baby. She had never loved anyone as much as she did this child. So engrossed was she, the dark shadow which crept across the floor went unnoticed at first. A coldness not of the weather invaded the room, bringing the woman's head up sharply. "No," she whispered tendrils of fear gripping her heart. She clutched the child to her breast, helpless before the power which formed in the room. The child slipped from her grasp as the Dark Prophet plucked it from her frozen arms, inky blackness surrounding its form. Horrified eyes watched as the skin of her newborn babe turned slowly from a healthy pink to bluish gray. The round sweet face turned sallow with the cast of the grave. An unholy scent of decay and death filled the room, the coldness of the void robbing it of warmth. Slowly the child's skin cracked and withered, rotting before her eyes, bits of flesh falling in sickly green blobs to the pristine floor of the nursery. "NOO!!!!" Leaping from the chair to claim her child her hands met only the frigid soulless form of the void, passing through the shadow of darkness where her child had just been.


"NOOO!!!" the scream startled Don Martin awake as Tameria cried out in her sleep, her hands beating helplessly on his chest where she lay.

"Tameria!!!" Yet again he shook her awake as he had night after night since the nightmares began. Comforting her he stroked her hair, lulling her back to sleep with sweet words and soft caresses, reassurances that it was only a dream.

Don knew from whence the dreams came, as he knew their purpose. Uuban's subtle reminder of the bargain on his wedding day. Don Martin resolved to complete the bargain.


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